hahaha. rude yer such a fuckn pussy man.
fuck. fuckfuckfuck. riks livin wiv us now. ive fuckn asked ruf ta move her the fuck out but he aint listenin. fuck. if she fuckn finds out bout... seph... and... ugh shit.
i feel fuckn sick again. findin it hard ta see n stuff. i dunno wot the fucks wrong wiv me... ugh... fuck.
yer gonna hafta sleep on th couch man. sorry. we ain got nother bedroom.
you get that letter? wot the fuck woz it? looked like it woz from shin-ra...
... she cant know. you got me?!
yo man stop workin me like a fuckn bitch. how th fuck am i sposed ta get all this paperwork dun this fuckn quick eh?!