[Original Fic] The Straight One, Please

Dec 24, 2010 02:28

Title: The Straight One, Please
Author/Artist: crimsondream13
Genre: Romance/Angst
Rating: T
Warnings: Curse words, implied fornication
Summary:  [Not a summary, but oh well] "What if I want the lies to last longer?" He whispered quietly, looking up at me with his puppy dog eyes- pleading with me to go along with him. "What if- what if I don't mind? That- that this is all just a lie."
Note: There is a very large probability that you won't be able to understand this piece of fiction, be it that I posted the story of origin whence it came or if I just leave it as a stand-alone.

I do hope you enjoy for a bit, either way. Also, please tell me if there are any mistakes that need to be corrected; seeing as I don't have anyone to read this for me and edit out the errors.

"You know," I start softly while tracing circles on Calico's clothed chest, "I'd been planning on playing with you for a bit longer. But, I don't know, I don't think I can stand it any longer."

He looks confused when I say that, and I smile. I was a bit confused as well as to where those words came from.

Now wasn't that funny? Confusing yourself from your own line of thought.

I push myself off of him, untangling my leg from his and moving so that we sat beside each other on the bed. He sat up as well at that point, about to say something before I suddenly cut him off with a finger to his face. "Shh, darling. Let me explain." He makes a face at the offending appendage but nods either way; moving on to fluff a pillow and placing it behind him so that he could sit comfortably
It's funny how he does that when what I'm about to say is probably going to break his heart. Just a bit, anyway.

"Remember when you told me about your old man? Your dad?" I make myself comfortable as well after seeing him nod, placing my head on his lap for good measure. Hm, Cali's lap just never fails on being comfy. "It broke your heart, didn't it?"

He nods hesitantly at that question, slowly tangling his fingers into my hair to distract himself. But you already pieced my heart back together would be a good approximation as to what he was thinking at that point, but it didn't really matter.

I was going to, as they call it, "break up" with him anyway.

Also, I really need to stop with those momentary interludes in my thoughts. They're kind of a bother to me as well.

"…yes," he replied after a while of silence. "It shattered me. He was the only one who understood, who loved me as I was. I thought that it was unfair when he died. He didn't deserve it. But then, it's always the good that die young, right? I can't help but miss him, though. It's just…it's not fair. All the townspeople hated me, thought I was some kind of plague, but him- he was so different. He was there. He didn't- I'm babbling, aren't I."

I chuckle at his sheepish look. Honestly, if he weren't so cute, all macho in the physical aspect yet so…so girly in the emotional, then I probably would've thrown a pillow in his face already. He could really squawk like a girl sometimes. It gets annoying, but eh, what can I do? He's bound to me forever. Well, at least, until he breaks the oath. Or whatever it was that he called it.

"Yeah. It's okay, though." I nuzzle his leg with my nose, effectively making him smile in the process. What can I say? I'm a natural at making people smile.

"I think it's cute that you babble. It clashes with your manly body." Both of us laugh at that; though in the back of my mind I was like, Oh honey, if only you knew what I'm going to do to you. But honestly, even I don't know what to call it. Re-break your heart?


"Hey, Cammy." He hums happily while running a hand through my hair- which feels really pleasurable, by the way-, "you never did explain to me. What you said earlier, I mean. Something about playing with me?" He has an eyebrow raised by the time he finishes that sentence, and I'm just lying there with my head on his lap, not really caring to explain- but I had to. If only I could just say "fuck it all."

"Oh, right." I sigh as I make a move to get off of his lap- before giving up because it was just that damn comfortable. "Hm, how do I say this." I look up at him as I contemplate, smiling when I finally decided on: "Do you want the straight-forward answer, or do you want the long version?"

"The straight one, please." He says and I stifle a snort of amusement at how ironic that statement was. Straight.

I shake my head at that thought and grin plainly at him. It wouldn't do to be distracted at that point. "Okay then. So. I want to break up with you."

There's a long period of silence before he speaks again, his eyes practically bulging out of their sockets and mouth opening and closing- and he looked like a goldfish. Or a deer in headlights. Whichever.

"Wh-" he sputters out and I roll my eyes, "Why?" I remove myself from his lap out of respect for his personal space [as if he had any] before staring at him in all seriousness. Poor man. He honestly looked as if he was going to cry at that moment.


"Okay, look. I am not going to be nice, okay? I am going to be blunt. So bloody blunt that you might cry." I raised an eyebrow at him to see if he had any objections to that, to which he just nodded weakly. Damn it. Did he have to look so weak? It sickened me. "I like you. Don't-" I spoke in warning as he opened his mouth to protest, "Don't interrupt me. I like you as a friend. I never loved you like that- like how you want me to." I exhaled to calm myself as he slumped into himself a bit, looking as though someone had just punched him in the stomach. "I don't want to lie and say that I'm sorry, Cali. Because I'm not."

"I just," he stumbles over his words while shooting a pleading look at me, "why now? Why…why did you even give me the chance to hope? That's just cruel, Camille."

"Don't you dare use that name, Cali," I point an accusing finger at him, blinking in surprise when he catches my wrist mid-point. "Let go-"

"No. I don't think you understand, Camille," he doesn't even smirk or smile at the potential joke from his own statement, "I love you. It's not that easy to forget." His blank face turns into a saddened one all too quickly, eyes pained and bordering on teary as he murmured softly, "Why are you doing this? Is it-" his downcast gaze suddenly flashed with recognition as his grip on my wrist tightened, "It's that bastard, isn't it. Francisco? That fucking asshole put you up to this, didn't he? Finally wanted you all to himself?" Calico snarled with fangs bared, eyes glowing bloody red as he pulled me closer.

Fuck. I didn't expect for him to get this angry.

"No. No, christ, he doesn't even know that we're together-" I gasp as he bites into my jugular, the stinging pain making me more aroused than I should be as I shivered from his ministrations. I stifle a whimper as he pulls away, licking his lips to remove the blood on them- hell, he looked like he was savoring it. Bloody bastard.

"He doesn't know that we're together? Why not?" He hisses while moving to nip at my ear. He was enjoying this, wasn't he? Fucking bastard, if only I wasn't turned on right now I'd be kicking his ass. "Why not, Camille? Are you hiding it from him? Why would you do that? Afraid he'll get jealous?"

You know what?

Fuck this shit.

I growl inhumanely as I push him back, causing him to gasp mid-sentence as I straddle him on the bed. I rock my hips a bit to weaken his will, and of course, it worked. Horny fucker.

"He doesn't know crap about this because he won't get jealous, dumbass." I shiver a bit- and curse at that momentary lapse of weakness caused by the memory of Francisco thoroughly enjoying the sight of me with another man. That ass just didn't know how to be sensitive, did he?

It was like the pot calling the kettle black. Damn it.

I probably look like a weakling right now, all sniveling and whimpering- oh bloody hell, why didn't I think of it earlier? It was genius!

All I had to do was act, then Cali would get off my back. Brilliant! Well, it may have taken me a lot of work to get to that idea; but hey, at least I managed to think it up, eh?

Okay, time for some major acting!

"I just- I don't understand," I sniffle before widening my eyes in faux surprise, scrambling off of Cali and off the bed while clumsily getting to my feet. "I- I need to go. M'sorry." I whip around to run into the bathroom, praying fervently in my head that my plan would work and Cali would follow after me-



I sob harder [good thing I'm a great actor], trying to lock him out of the bathroom before being pushed back into the wall with an exclamation of pained surprise. He actually pushed the door open with me still behind it, the idiot!

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," he whispers while cradling my head in his hands carefully, checking to see if there's any blood before sighing in relief at the lack of it. "Cammy, I'm sorry, I love you so much, I just- I couldn't stand it when you said that- why, why would you say that, anyway? If it wasn't for that- that- Francisco?"

I was about to quip on his wondrous ability to say everything without breathing until I remembered that vampires didn't need to breathe anymore. I must have hit my head harder than I'd thought.

"It's- I wanted to teach you a lesson." I ended lamely, wincing as his roaming hands managed to poke at the bruise on the back of my head. "Before you told me about your father, I just- you looked so damn happy and I thought that maybe, maybe if I'd taught you a lesson, then maybe you'd realize how hard it was to live like me, or the others. I'd intended on making you fall in love with me-" Cali snorted, "-fall in love harder with me, anyway. Until I found out about your dad, I just…I didn't think you'd deserve to be hurt any more than you'd already been. You'd already been through enough, so I thought that if I ended this relationship earlier, it'd hurt less for you, and I…" I inhaled slowly before continuing, "I didn't want the lies to last any longer than they already have, okay? I may not love you, but that doesn't mean that I'm cruel enough to leave you hanging that long. So..." I trailed off, observing his face carefully for any hints of a reaction.

There was another moment of silence [that you'd probably hear a pin drop from all the tense air] before Cali spoke again, and I subtly jolted in surprise. He didn't notice that, thankfully enough.

"What if I want the lies to last longer?" He whispered quietly, looking up at me with his puppy dog eyes- pleading with me to go along with him. "What if- what if I don't mind? That- that this is all just a lie." He stiffened a bit before continuing, "What if I'm content with pretending…that you're in love with me too?"

I stare at him in bewilderment. Honestly? This was some fucked up shit.

"Well then," I smirk crookedly in reply, "that'd make you a masochistic freak, wouldn't it? Are you really sure that you want that? Because you're the only one who's gonna get hurt in the end."

"It's fine," he murmurs under his breath while closing in on me, eyes getting half-lidded as he became only a kiss away, "I don't mind. As long as you're with me, it's fine."

I chuckle before closing the remaining space between us.

"I love you too, Cali."


If you've noticed, the quality of the fic became crappier in the middle. That's because I was half-asleep at that point.

original fiction

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