Addendum to the Divorce

Sep 02, 2007 17:21

I guess because this information didn't become available ot me till recently, when i was covering the split it didn't occur to me to include it. I'll include it now before I get into our going ot FL.

Gerry met the Elf in the summer of '80 or so. They dated till May of '82. When she first moved in she cooked and cleaned and took care of the man and the house in her life. Gerry worked long days as a mechanic, still does comes to that, and the Elf worked part time at Domino's. When they got married everything changed. The Elf showed her true colours and started being the lazy evil shrew that she is. She spent money like mad. Now Gerry's no slouch in the cash dept. Mechanics make good $$$, sometimes topping four digits a week. But the Elf is the kind of person who believes that if there's checks in the book, there's money in the bank. She spent like mad. She also threw tantrums and started fights, causing scenes in the front yard, the back yard, the grocery store, anywhere she could tell a crowd of ppl about her opponents' faults. the Elf is a Spectacle. She starts fights and is so impossible and immature to deal with that the only defense and i mean ONLY defense is to walk away and wait for the storm to blow over. Usually an hour is enough time to let the Tempest Elf blow itself out. Sometimes you need a whole weekend. Gerry would try dealing with things rationally and maturely but before he could get past point one, the Elf would go off again. He'd give up after about half an hr and get in the car and go to the bar. I know that all of this is according ot him but as I've experienced similar/the exact same thing first hand I'll buy what he says about her. She follows you out the front door still screaming, yelling and carrying on, rousing the neighbors and alerting the dogs, and even occasionally the cops (more on that later).

She also has a really really bad habit of opening of opening her trap at just the wrong moment. so perfect is her bad timing htat it can't be an accident.

Case in Point-
Shortly after Gerry and the Elf married, Gerry got a DUI. The judge gave him a walk with the promise that if he ever saw Gerry in his court room again he'd serve the time + whatever else he had incurred. A few weeks later he got another DUI. Went to court, saw who the judge was, turned around and walked right back out. Went home to the Elf and they moved to granddad's trailer in Gainesville,FL. In February or so they returned to Colorado. Gerry and Randy were shooting off BB guns in the back yard. The neighbors, being dumb, called the cops about gunfire. The cops showed and after being convinced that the guns were BBs and not automatics, they left. Half na hour later they returned bearing the warrant for his no-show to his last court date. Gerry tried playing dumb, but the Elf spoke up, as is her fashion and Gerry was taken to jail. He spent a whole day and a half in the tank while his friends scraped together the bail money. there was a mix up where there is another man with Gerry's same name who had incurred a few things on his record that they tried to hold my Gerry for. Didn't fly but it did add half a day to his stay. They let him go and he's never been back.

Some life sentence.

The truth of the matter is that the Elf is a vicious, vindictive, petty bitch. there's nothing else to say about her. She suffers a severe superiority complex.

When the Elf went to divorce Gerry, at first she was all for giving me up. she didn't want anything to do with me. I was the brat that was not only a reminder of her mistakes, but a stone around her neck. I had stolen her youth and her figure. Gerry had it all set up to move back to Ohio to live with his mom, Grandma Sarah and my Aunt Betty had already agreed to put in for a transfer to second shift so she could help take care of me, too. I was to get Aunt Betty's old room at Grandma Sarah's house. They had it all figured out. Until the Elf's friend Pam decided to tell teh Elf that if she kept me, she could collect up to $500 a month from Gery in child support. Her dad was a lawyer, she would know. But the Elf had to claim that Gerry was an unfit parent. As the Elf worked part time and didn't have anywhere to live, she was clearly not the courts first choice to take in a 1 yr old baby. So she had to tell the story that Gerry was abusive.

I've spent years wondering if things would have been different had the judge seen through the manipulative ruse of the Elf's lies. The only thing I could say for certain would be that I prolly wouldn't be married to Rob, having not met him in the seventh grade and fallen hopelessly madly in love with him.

After the divorce, Gerry and the Elf had joint custody so I saw my dad Wednesdays and weekends for a few years. Every time the Elf dropped me off or came to pick me up she tried picking fights with Gerry in front of me. Gerry would tell her not in front of me and then kick her out, more often then not. There were times when Gerry would shunt me from the room when the Elf started gettign violent. and soon I got to the point where I'd hide in the coat closet when things got retarded in the front hall. Somehow these memories had been twisted by the Elf to make be live that Gerry locked me in the closet. She made me believe that he was worse than the Boogey Man (who doe NOT live in the woods behind grandma Sarah's house no matter what uncle Dan says) and Freddy Kruger put together. According to the Elf it was Gerry that was the violent sociopath, not her, and for a while there, she had me believing it. Hence he therapy and trying to sort through the insanity here.

More in a few. I'm tired.

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