Apr 05, 2003 22:20
I don't even remember what I wrote about the last time I updated my journal.
Sophie is on the verge of crawling. She is almost 8 months now, and to be honest, I thought she would be crawling before now. But I'm glad she's not. We are still in so much denial that we haven't even baby proofed the house. Most people do that before their babies are even born, but Shamus and I wait until it is an urgent matter.
She has three teeth (two bottom and one top) and she's working on another so she is a bit cranky much of the time. I love her to pieces. It is really like being in love. Her smell and smile and hugs are intoxicating. I love to see her naked. She has all the adorable fat rolls that you think of when you think "baby." We all take baths together. We have family bath time, which is really just a way to bathe Sophie without having to bend over the tub and worry about getting your clothes wet. One of us can hold her (or spot her) while the other scrubs her down. She plays with some purple fish, tries to suck on the wash cloth and when the water starts to cool and the baby looks tired, Shamus gets out and wraps her in two soft hooded towels.
I'm working again now, which means I have less time for my two babies. They were flexible about my schedule so I'm working a 35 hour week in 4 days one of which is a Saturday. So Sophie is only watched by a non-parent three days a week. Two she gets with just me, one with just Dad and one with the both of us. That's Sunday. Sunday's are good days. I wish there were more.
On the other hand, I kind of like work. I like to get out with adults and let my mind get some stimulation. I fantasize a lot about what Sophie will be like when she gets older. I love babies. I think they are sweet and yummy, but I think it will only get better from here. I want to talk to her, not just coo.
Shamus and I got in a fight last night because he said I was being hypercritical of him. He was really upset by me. I complained that I came home at 7:30, put Sophie to bed, then came down to empty the dishwasher, wash the bottle nipples and sterilize my pumping supplies all while he watched tv. It wasn't really a big deal so I don't know why I was complaining, but I also don't know why he got so upset. He actually went down and slept on the couch for a while. His point was that he was tired and only watched a half hour or so of tv. My point was that we are both tired, but it's not fair that he takes a break at my expense. Why can't we do the chores together and then rest together?
We made up this morning. We're both just tired and stressed. Our little lovebug still wakes up several times in the night. We're used to it, but it's still hard. She's sleeping peacefully right now. Shamus is at a housewarming party and I think I am going to take a nice hot bath. Ahhh. Now is that enough writing to satisfy you all who were hungry for some juicy details from my life?
Love, S