we drank wine in the matinee and the spotlight showed what i chased away

Jan 27, 2012 17:18

There's this phenomena that occurs concerning bras, particularly in lingerie sections of department stores, that I will never quite be able to figure out.

I think everyone would pretty much agree that it's easy-peasy lemon-squeezy to find your back size and a single cup size, in a wide array of styles and colors. Stripes, lace, polka dots, push-ups and racerbacks, magenta and lime green; you name it, you can probably find it. That range of combinations (32A-38D) seems to be the norm. Then, as long as the back size isn't higher than a 36, you can still find a DD in somewhat interesting colors and styles. There aren't many of them readily available, but I guarantee you they will be a push-up, and they will probably be red, at the very least.

On the other end of the spectrum, there's the big girl sizes. There's a different set of norms for these. If your back size is a 40 or over you fall into this generalized category, and it's easy to find Cs, Ds, DDs, DDDs, even F. I'm willing to bet that it's not as easy to find an A or a B cup, although I haven't looked because my chest never has nor ever will be that small. Your color range is white, tan, and black. It will not be a push-up. If anything, it looks like this or, for a change-up, this. Some are even uglier, and I'd provide examples if they actually advertised those hideous things on kohls.com. You may know what I'm talking about. It'll be white; it'll have the requisite underwire; and it'll appear to have these...sacks for for cups. Like, instead of actual cups that provide any lift, your tits are considered potatoes that just hang there covered by some cloth. You know, because women with DD cups don't have to fight the daily pull of gravity more than others or anything. We're naturally perky. Again, though, this is to be expected for this size range. Big, bland, zero sex appeal.

And, then...there's the anomaly in the back-cup continuum known as the 36DD and the 38DD. It's the black hole of bra sizes, guys, I'm not joking here. You'll have more luck finding the latter than the former, but good onya in general if you come out finding one that fits all of the criteria you had in mind from a bra. Because if it's a 36 DD, the hook area in the back is most likely too thin for your needs, as are probably the straps. But it will be blue and maybe polka-dotted and kind of pretty since your back size is lower, so there's that to console you. 38 DD is a different story. It's the one that's easier to find because the back size makes more sense with the cup size, but it's also dull as far as the UV spectrum goes- generally, you will only find this size in white, beige, and black, maybe with some lace trim and a bow from a little bit of excitement. The majority of them have the potato sack thing going on because it's a double cup. Floral patterns, sometimes. Finding a blue one is like finding the Holy Grail; you drop down to your knees and instantly find religion. I found a grand total of 2 of them in this size bra shopping yesterday. 2. In the whole ever-loving department. And they were ugly as shit.

Here's what happens, I think. The "reasoning," if you will, of the grand gurus of bra design behind this fuckery.

Meryll Steep in "The Devil Wears Prada" Figure: Hmmmm, her back size is a 38...she's not quite there, but she is approaching the un-desireable range. Clearly, she doesn't need anything alluring. Save the stripes. Make it beige, if we must make it at all.
Lowly Intern: She's not a single cup, though. Her boobs are somewhat...considerable.
Meryll: Oh, a DD, you say? So they're full enough on their own that they don't need any extra help. Make it like a t-shit for a boob, if you will. Just hold them down, cover them up. No one wants to see that anyway.
Intern: Pity she isn't a single cup. Then we could help her.
Meryll: That pattern is lovely as a D, though, don't you think?
Intern: Yes, and in a 36 as well.

Long story short, I wound with a 38D that ran large. Because my tits are not potatoes and I'm sick of beige.

socialstorming, let me share my weird with you

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