Ho huuuum! Sebastian is soooooo cool!!!!! He rocks like a muffin!! xD
So..........yeah. Mhmm...I HAVE THIS UBER-ish COOL FAN THAT SPRAYS WATER! I know, 'What? You just found out about that NOW? O:' well, actually, I've seen it years ago in Disney World but unfortunately, mother dearest thinks it wasn't worth it, so I didn't get to buy (or play) with one until now... D,:
So yeah, now that I've bought one, everyone who thought it was just a fan (and went near me,) was victimized in my murderous spraying spree xD
P.s, Sig pleeeeeeeease?? O:
P.p.s, How duz you put up a banner? O: (yes, I be a n00b