Nov 22, 2005 07:34
I know its the only thing I ever write about in here...the status of randy and I. But its often the only thing that I think is interesting enough to write about. Cause who wants to hear about daily random banter bla bla bla
I had an interesting night, talked with randys mom for about an hour. She was discussing randys sisters marriage and how its going terribly. it was unfortunate for me because when randy left the room, his mom said to me 'and the biggest thing is...theres NO SEX.' I was totally cought off guard because I dont usually (or ever) discuss SEX with randys mom. I was so shocked that I TURNED RED and she obviously noticed and she said 'oh i didnt mean to embarrass you'. I was so mortified. Because I wanted to listen to what she had to say, but I wasnt expecting her to talk about the subject of sex. I probably sound so naive. But for me, its as if sex doesnt exist to randys mom (in my mind). I asked randy if he thought that his mom knows we have sex. He said yes. I was was like 'what!? how does she know!?' and he said well im just sure she knows, we've been together long enough. I also suppose I was so embarrassed because I have sex with her son and to hear the word SEX coming out of her mouth to ME makes me feel like she knows what couples should be doing. Dont I sound stupid!!!?!? hqahahaha. Im silly when it comes to things like that. I enjoy being in denial hahaha. OH I hope that being embarrassed passes cause I was embarrassed about being embarrassed! aaaahhhh. hahaha oh god.
even better is the sex life that randy and I have. I had this epiphany that our sex life sucked and it was because of me so I was going to change it. Randy deserves to get laid because hes been trying really hard since the last fight that we had. So he and I have been having lots of sex (for me) and thats super! ahahaha. Im sure thats a little too much info. But going from having sex once a month to 4 times a week...thats a fantastic improvement!
Unfortunately my period is here so i feel icky and fat and am in no mood to have sex for at least another 4 days!