
Apr 08, 2008 19:25

Haven't been mugged yet, although we were just joking that if our seminar was held outside due to the good weather, that would probably change.

I just started perusing Juicy Campus for the hell of it, and this posting from a Dukie cracks me up:

Overheard from a Black Man ..

there's this drink sweeping thru the 904 in Florida, i heard about it from a homeless black guy poaching a cardboard box on a street corner in downtown Jacksonville. he tapped me on the shoulder and was like, 'pssst whitey have you ever had boobily juice? it's 2 parts vodka .. 2 parts yak .. and 1 part children's robitussin. it'll get you fuuuuucked up!!'

i didn't believe him at first, so of course i came back here and tried it out .. dude wasn't lying -- i woke up on Monday in the stream next to edens with mint jelly in my hair, a plastic bag over my head, and math 103 notes stuck in my ass. I think i got raped by a psi upsilon ..
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