application for gargleblasted

Feb 01, 2010 22:32


Name: Kyah
Are you over 16?: Yes indeed!
Personal LJ: kyahryorin
Timezone: EST, -5 GMT (or whatever it's called)
Other contact: radicaldevilarm on AIM, on MSN
Characters already in the game: Izanami (fogginurworlds)
How did you find us?: Lurking. :>


Character name: Sarah Marie Vittoria [alias is Krypta Notte]
Fandom: Original character (Say you love me)
Timeline: Post-canon, after her hometown is pretty much left for ruin, but the human resistance is picking itself up and rebuilding things once again. Meaning she's still pretty new/not in complete control of her powers yet.
Age: 23
~*Magical*~ abilities and strengths:  Being a half-demon, she's got the typical heightened strength, faster agility, and the ability to sense other demons/half-demons in the area. She wields a 7' scythe from Hell (she summons it), and can partially create flame and use it as a weapon.

Because she's a Spirit Holder, she shares a soul with a demonic entity that's passed away in Hell. This is so that the entity can possess the body and make it the host, until the full-scale invasion happens upon Earth, and the inner demon is finally released all at once.
How would they use their abilities?: She's a peace-keeper, mainly. Beyond her using her powers for her job, fighting/sparring, or survival, she looks and acts like your average college graduate.

Krypta stands at 5’8”, and is probably one of the rowdiest girls you'll meet when it comes to devil hunting. With brownish red hair that trails to her jawbone and bleached bangs, she wears it whichever way it feels like sitting. Her eyes are green, with pupils that resemble diamonds, much like a mix between a reptile's and a cat's. She wears a black jacket with random zippers. The left sleeve is torn by the shoulder and has red strips connecting it back together. That sleeve also only goes down a short length, and then ends, revealing the remainder of her arm and glove. Her right arm is the only one that is fully covered. She has a long gash on her right arm, that's left a nasty scar behind from the time her boyfriend willingly left her to be hit by a speeding train, to make sure she would die.

She wears black and white striped fingerless gloves that go up to her elbow. They're both as an accessory, and to hide the scars that she received on the train collision (not to mention the several attempts to end her life after killing her boyfriend). Below the jacket is a red shirt, with a diamond opening around her chest line. She wears a cross necklace, both for fashion and a bringing back of faith, plus a plain black choker around her neck. A red plaid miniskirt adorns her lower half, with the top part being black leather with white belt loops. Fishnet stockings are on her legs, along with a pair of black shorts, and she wears a pair of red boots, with metal brackets on the ankle sections. And, though she doesn't show it off much, she has a tongue piercing, a small silver ball on a stud.

When her rage and inner evil are too much for Krypta to contain anymore, an alternate personality and form takes over. It calls itself "Pseudo," and it looks almost exactly like Krypta. The noticeable differences are that her hands become more like claws; she has long scales that form on her face, arms, hands, stomach and legs; there are spikes that come out of her neck, back, elbows, shoulders, and knees; and that her eyes become red, though the iris and pupils are still visible (they're red as well). Her tongue also becomes more reptilian (like a snake's), and her teeth become more like fangs. A dual-toned voice is present as well.

Her possession takes a good few minutes to fully have the other half kick in, and it's painful as anything in the transformation. Krypta usually bleeds everywhere where spikes or scales come through, and it's not uncommon that she also coughs up her own blood. For the sake of those who don't like gore/blood/whatever, I'll place stuff behind a cut if so desired, and label with a warning, if you guys need me to.

Background: Where to begin, where to begin. Say you love me isn't amazingly complex, but it does have its moments. So hold onto your hats, kids- it's a hell of a ride, and an interesting one at that.

Our story starts off pretty much the same as any other modern day story would. Middle of nowhere, Discourse, USA. Parks, trees, mountains, fields. The whole nine yards. High school graduate getting ready for college, a whiz at chess and strategy, but horrific in being social and an average Joe in appearance. Sarah mainly kept to herself, studying and being with her family of six. They were all really close, and being the younger middle child of four had her on the lower end of the totem pole when it came to getting things. Her family was hard-pressed at times in affording stuff, but somehow they always pulled through.

Sarah planned on going to a nearby college for the studying of psychology and sociology, and wanted to get a degree in it to be a counselor for younger kids. When orientation came, she was extremely excited to go to see who her classmates were. Unsurprisingly, however- it was much like high school. She was mainly ignored, shoved aside, and kept to the back when it came to groups. There were cliques and crowds, and neither wanted anything to do with her. Frustrated, she didn't interact much, and when others were told to get to know her, they pretty much left her in the dust and went off somewhere after only asking her name.

Alone, one of the orientation leaders took pity and told the girl to try again the next day. She also mentioned some ideas to get Sarah more active and accepted among the groups there. One of which was possibly getting a new haircut from a new salon just down the road. After having a few more unsuccessful days of being ignored, she finally decided to take the advice and look into it. Her family encouraged her exploring new things, and this was no exception- so off she went.

The place was brand new, but she was immediately greeted when she arrived. The group there was pleased to see her, and gladly took her around to show her the tools they used, all state of the art. When she finally finished with the tour, they took her in for an appointment, gladly talking with her about what she wanted. With that said and done, they began their work. It was comforting, knowing someone wanted to help her in her makeover, and unexpectedly, she fell asleep.

When she came to, however- things weren't the same as she remembered them. For one, the room was dark, and instead of being in a chair, she was now on the floor. Surrounding her in a circle were several candles, each marking out the end of a ritual circle, which she sat in the middle of. There was a weight on her head, and although she couldn't look up, she knew it wasn't something good. She heard whisperings going on, and someone mentioned the ritual sacrifice being almost complete. There was another voice that said the invasion into the human realm was becoming more possible for Hell through this method as well.

Sarah was scared, more than anything. What was going on, why were they talking about sacrifice, and just what were they doing to her? She couldn't move, her body paralyzed and kept in place from going anywhere. The girl dreaded what would happen next- she didn't know what to do, either.

Her thoughts were interrupted as a crash was heard, the people's attention now thrown to the lobby. A boy about her age came running through, grabbing her by the arm, and yanking her out of the circle. There were screams, voices yelling, and people chasing after them as they began to run. The boy told her to run, shoving her out the door and taking off in another direction, and not knowing what else to do, Sarah ran. It was dark, and she had no idea where she was. It wasn't until several energy spears flew by her that she knew she was being followed. One in particular struck her down, and she died on the spot, the pursuers leaving her there to be found in the morning.

But surprisingly, she awoke a little while later, as if nothing had ever happened. She didn't understand, but she had become a partial demon in the ritual, and that was what allowed her to keep going [plus, how many of us know you can't kill a demon with a single hit to the chest?].

From there, things become a blur to her- but in reality, it's when D'vegmir, the spirit that was placed within her soul, finally awoke. Having been kept in Hell for so long, he was determined to have some fun for the next few days, not caring about the consequences of his actions. This includes going on an unexpected shopping spree, flirting with cute boys, getting a "non-possessive" makeover, and then retiring for the night (and by retiring we mean sleeping with guys orz). It continued like this for a few days, with Sarah having no idea of what was going on, only watching as the spirit possessed her and made her a lot more outgoing and welcoming to others.

After a while, she regained control, and went back home- knowing her family would miss her terribly and be worried at her not coming home for the past few days. D'veg protested, not wanting to go to a boring family life, and also slightly suspicious of people possibly watching or following them. To ease his nerves [and to get him to shut up], they decided on a codename for her, since the spirit insisted "Sarah" was a boring name overall. He chose "Krypta," for a shortened form of "Kryptonite," since he was rowdy and wanted to think they'd be awesome together and take down anyone who stood in their way and prevented his freedom. She hated the name, and rolled her eyes whenever he called her by it.

When she arrived home, however- the sight that greeted her was horrid. Her entire family was dead, slaughtered like cattle, and the words "Welcome home Sarah" were written in their blood on the wall. Terrified, she tried to run, only to be confronted by another low-level demon who had been sent to kill her. Not knowing what else to do, D'veg took over again, fought the creature, and won, having Sarah run once the battle was over. With no home to go back to, the girl was pretty broken for quite a while. This was the spirit's first witnessing of pure human emotion, and how he really wasn't that different.

Fast forward a few months, and not much has changed. Both are on the run, have had several more run-ins with demons, and have begun to start to get in control of her powers. It's here that she reunites with the boy who saved her in the salon, who's named Nick Veros. He's actually like her- possessed by a spirit by the name of Abelloros, and running in order to survive. It's there that they make a pact to bring down Hell's antics. There were only a few of them who had banded together, but it was better then no resistance at all, in their opinion.

Despite having Sarah and Nick get along beautifully, Abe and D'veg clashed in ideals and bickered consistently. When the two were told to behave, they'd play spirit games. One in particular was Shadow Cards (which is sort of like Hearts), and Abe always cheated, so the games usually ended up with D'vegmir punching him in the face for cheating the deck. When it came to missions, both shut up and cooperated, realizing nothing could get done otherwise.

Over time Krypta and Nick managed to take down several important points in the demon’s plans for invading, slowing down their process of taking people over. They grew closer, relying on the other to cover their back, watch out for them, and keep a constant look out for anything out of the ordinary. So it wasn’t a surprise when they finally kissed, they both meant it. The relationship then became boyfriend/girlfriend tag-team, and was successful in taking out a few more places over time. She couldn’t have been more happy then that time in her life. They actually bought a locket that separated into two parts, to show they were together. She treasured it more than anything.

Several months later, they were still together. But unannounced to Sarah, Abe had been planning and using Nick for several plans of his own. He’d begun the third progression in a Spirit Holder’s placement, and was slowly beginning to control Nick’s actions and words, much against his will. In time the strategies and missions became more and more focused towards Abe’s needs, all under the disguise of Nick’s wants, and she fell for it completely. It wasn’t until the last few missions that she began questioning the morality and logic behind them. When she could find none, that angered her. When she confronted Nick with this, he told her to relax, there was a reason for it, she just had to wait and see. Little did she know Abe was doing all the talking now.

On her 19th birthday, the two came together to spend some time with each other. It seemed like a normal day, and they had just wanted it to be simple. They went to the park, held hands, talked, did the things normal people did. It’s what she wanted, since she missed it. By the end of the day, they were in an old part of town, by the train tunnels that she used to play in as a kid. They’d never come by when she was here, so she thought they were abandoned.

Things went downhill as soon as she got there, however. She was ambushed by several demons, Nick refusing to help, and instead, laughing at her and her weakness. It was then that she figured out that Abe was in control. He told her that love was a human emotion, one he had no time for in his conquest of Hell and Earth, and if anything- he needed to get rid of her, since she was the closest to Nick overall. She knew too much, knew his weaknesses and his strengths, knew his character, and knew Abe and his ways.

So, he took her locket, had her pinned and held in place by a few lesser demons, and dragged over to the tracks. She looked bewildered, frustrated, and most importantly, hurt. being betrayed by him was one thing, but wanting to kill her on top of it was another.

He didn’t do anything at first, just waited, mocking her in the silence as she struggled to get out of the grips holding her there. But the incoming sound of a train whistle caused Sarah to turn her head, noticing a light coming from the other side of the tunnel, and quickly. She tried to move, tried to break out, but couldn’t- the train coming closer and closer. It was moving at a fast pace, and if it hit her, she knew she wouldn’t survive, half-demon or not. There was no way the amount of bones broken could be repaired, or the mind saved, when something that drastic was done.

She remembered looking at Nick’s face, terror in her eyes and screaming at him to let her go. But all he did was laugh, saying he’d miss her, and that this game was fun, but now it was over.

A few seconds later, her world suddenly went black as her body collided with the front of the incoming vessel. From there, her mind drifted, uncertain as to where she was- not dead, but not alive either.

In reality, she had been hit by the train, and died. But not everyone completely dies when they do- some souls remain because they can’t get over the shock of being dead, or what happened prior to their death. This was what the case was with Sarah. D’vegmir, who had been struggling as well and unable to possess, saw this moment as a “now or never.” If he didn’t try to revive her, the both of them would die, but if he did- he would have to willingly give up most, if not all, of his powers, and hand them over to her.

It wasn’t a question to him at this point, Sarah was everything to him. He gave it willingly, and was relieved to find that she was still breathing. But the look in her eyes when she finally turned to look at him, told him everything. She was broken again. And this time, he couldn't do anything about it.

With great reluctance, and a lot of urging from D'veg, Sarah got up, finding herself intact again. D'vegmir realized that he hadn't transferred everything, and told her so. The fact that he had willingly given most of who he was shocked her, but she was thankful all the same. But when he tried to give her the last part that was needed, she stopped him, shaking her head.

"I want you to have a life too. We're in this together, remember? You're the only one I can trust. So I want you to have a say when things get tough.

...just don't leave me alone. Please."

From there, they went into hiding. In doing so, she changed her name, fully taking on the alias of Krypta Notte, changed her appearance, and began training. During this time, believing she was dead, Abe took permanent control of Nick's body, killed the Queen of Hell, and took over her position. He began the invasion, speeding along the process according to his plan, and within a few months, Discourse was completely taken over. Humans were used as Spirit Vessels, Spirit Holders, killed for sport, used as slaves, or placed into abysmal pits and never seen again.

Those who managed to escape the chaos found themselves banding together to find a way to live, without being found out. They managed to settle in the mountains nearby, finding hidden caverns within them and going deep below the ground. It was a good year before they could actually call the place their home, but it was an underground city, nonetheless.

Krypta found herself there after wandering the streets of Discourse. Those who walked freely there were those with demonic powers, so she was left alone, mainly. Being that no one recognized her (and D'vegmir had gotten a hell of a lot better at cloaking his energy), she could walk and talk with demons there to get the scoop about what was going on.

That also meant that a lot of stragglers took notice to her, as well. Seeing as most demons were in their normal forms, and she was in her "human" one, she struck a chord of interest in a few people. Mainly, the leader of the human rebellion, Brad Milvaras. He watched her from a distance when he could, and tried to remain out of sight and reading ability, as it was dangerous to have a human there.

In one case, Krypta was challenged on her way of leaving the town- a demon guard wanted to see her skills, and refused to let her pass when she declined. Things turned nasty, and before he knew it, the guard was dead. The scythe that belonged to him stayed, and as she turned to go, it called out to her. Naturally, she saw this as one of the weirdest things ever, and proceeded to kick the damn thing in its side, making sure she wasn't hallucinating. But no one else was noticing it talking, so...

The scythe called itself Grim, and it begged her to take him with her. He had been through many journeys, and had yet to be in the hands of a female demon. The last one he was held by had died long ago, over a thousand years, for treason. Seeing no other way to get rid of him and his horrible screeching, she took him along with her, and left the town.

Somehow or another, she was soon contacted by the human resistance, and from there, decided to join with them.

Another good 8 months go by, and in that time, Krypta remains in training, living with the people underground, and not really telling them that she's a half-demon. No one asks, anyway, so she figures she's good for now. She meets Viktor Le'mal Chirikov, a Seeker's Diplomat, and befriends him, much like a family member. But as time passes, her patience grows thin and she begins seeing things in her sleep. A voice keeps calling out to her and telling her to kill, to take revenge against the one who wronged her. It scares her, terrifies her.

Later, as she's walking by a local street, she passes an alley that usually gets overlooked by everyone. Noticing two people sort of hidden in the back, she listens in by hiding along the rooftop, following the two to a an old worn out home in the back of the city. There, she discovers that (surprise surprise), the two are spies for Nick, who's keeping check of the place to know when the humans are rebelling.

Well, that's not a good thing, not at all. Krypta is about to leave when she hears one of the spies mention how many of the humans are like that girl Nick used to know, and what was her name again? The reply is that she's no one important, just a ragdoll he used for his own means. She was pathetic and actually thought he loved her. Well, the human boy still did, but he was no longer in control.

The stress and impatience she was feeling before were overtaken and added with rage, causing her to lose it entirely. Her conscious struggled to remain in control, and failed miserably, the true purpose behind her possession awakening. The demon within her took over, changing her appearance, and calling itself by the name of "Pseudo." Within a few seconds of the report being finished, she had already killed one of the spies, and the other followed suit shortly after. Then, she turned on the humans and began going after them.

"Well now, don't you think this is fun? I'm in need of a little practice, after all. Let's go play with the humans~"

It took a lot of effort to pull her out of that form, finally her senses coming back. And when they did, she was easily arrested and placed in the temporary jail they had there. She didn't talk much while she was there, keeping to herself in a corner and refusing to talk with anyone except Viktor when he came by. By sheer luck, Brad still thought she was trustworthy, so they released her with the warning of anything being done outside of house arrest and she would be dead before she knew it.

With that being over, she was taken into the head place to discuss war strategies against the demons. Since she had faced a lot already on the streets, she knew what to expect, and what Nick was planning. Her strategies and experiences were what the group needed to finally start launching a counterattack against the invasion that had started two years ago.

It wasn't long before that plan became a reality. The humans revolted, taking on the armies of Hell and the demons along with them. There were massive casualties on both sides, and somewhere in the mix, Krypta found herself separated from everyone else, and confronted by Nick himself. The demon within him was curious, as she was a formidable foe he hadn't heard about before, other than by her name.

The battle between them was long, and toiling. Both of them close to death, trying to kill the other, to end this fight, this war, once and for all. It isn't until they get close to the end, with Nick on the floor, bleeding profusely, looking up at her, that Krypta reveals she's his girlfriend. Sarah.

"Come on, Sarah. What're you gonna do now, kill me? You can't. You don't have it in you."

"You're right... she didn't."


"Sarah. Sarah Marie Vittoria."

"Right, you."

"No. Sarah Marie Vittoria died three years ago, after colliding with a speeding train, and breaking every bone in her body, including her neck. Her death was instant, leaving no trace and no memory of pain to be found."


"The truth is, Nick? She died. A long time ago.

I am not Sarah. My name is Krypta Notte."

And with that, she kills him. The war is over, the demons fall apart without Nick's lead, and her heart is forever crushed by killing the one she loves. From there, the people begin to pick up the pieces, and look towards a better future tomorrow. It's a long road, one that she's still looking after, two years from that day.

Personality: Krypta is incredibly headstrong. She doesn't listen to anyone she doesn't like, has an easy temper to flare if you push her the right way, and is pretty much friendly towards those she gets to know. She speaks her mind, gets to know people, and generally cares for those who get close.

But on the inside, she's still reeling in turmoil from the incidents that happened two years ago. She still hasn't forgotten them, and if anything, they've made her harden her heart towards trusting people overall. She's matured a lot from her past, but there's still a ton of insecurities here and there.

Krypta can basically be called your average party girl. Flirty, confident, full of laughter and constantly smiling. She goes clubbing, talks with boys, cracks jokes, and can be easily taken as being a smartass. However, this is a facade, to keep people from knowing the true pain she's gone through in her life. She enjoys toying with her enemies playfully, in a childish manner, but can suddenly turn serious if need be. She hates always being serious, or looking back into her past, because it makes her want to cry. In truth, she misses being held and loved by someone, but too many times have proven to her that she's better off on her own, than to depend on anyone else. She keeps the pain of having no family, no love, and the killing of her boyfriend inside, because she deals with it on her own time and pace, rather than at whoever she's facing at the moment.

Pseudo, on the other hand, is her alternate side. The inner demon that is attached to a spirit when it possesses a human body. Once a great general of Hell and an Angel Slayer, she's a shadow of what she used to be now, only insisting on causing chaos and utter havoc whenever she gets set free. She is fucking crazy, and enjoys using people, killing others, and drenching herself in blood if she can. Vengeance has rotted her honorable and noble causes completely, and anything she can do and use to win in a fight? She can and will use it. She's also much more in control of her demon powers in this state. Which is... a really really bad thing, orz.

Pseudo came about after D'vegmir gave most of his powers to revive Krypta. In doing so, he transferred the inner demon into her soul, therefore making it easier for the creature to possess if the host's will was weak. This usually happens when Krypta is overwhelmed, in either anger, stress, or something similar. When that happens, Pseudo breaks out, Krypta gets buried in her own subconscious, and all hell breaks loose.

Why should that character be in this game: Honestly? Krypta is hilarious and fun, she speaks her mind when she feels like it, and she gets along with everyone. Plus, party girl here knows how to start some fun, and if you really aggravate her she'll kick your ass.

D'vegmir also offers a ton of hilarity in his own. This is mainly because he's impulsive, has the attitude of a teenage boy, and enjoys poking his nose where it shouldn't be. Did I mention that he's gay and has an obsession with cookies? That in and of itself has him hassling Krypta over guys and food consistently.

Have you read up on how the game works?: Yup! The plugin's called FlamingFerret, and you can get money doing jobs, going on missions, or mooching off of other folks.

1st person sample:  [There's a click of the camera on the guide, and the usual line in the Arrivals is seen. Long hour waits, grumbling newcomers, interesting refugees- you'd think it'll be another post of someone asking for help.

Surprisingly, it's not. Walking along the hallway is a girl in her twenties, easily hauling along a seven foot scythe on her back, strapped on her almost like a backpack. She's also holding a cookie in her hands, and is waving it back and forward in the open air for a few seconds. Her head's tilted back, as if she's looking at something, but nothing's there.]

Oi, D'veg- you still awake?

[There doesn't seem to be a response, but she starts laughing anyways.]

All right, all right, point. You didn't screw up anyone's hair or mess with their stuff. You didn't bitch at me during the wait either. Call me impressed. I never knew you could act civil.

[Krypta flinches, as if she's getting hit on the head, and waves the cookie again, enticingly. She waits for a few seconds, then sighs.]

I guess so. Just don't go crying for more later, who the hell knows how much cookies cost here on the ship.

[She tosses the cookie into the air, and it hovers there for a few seconds, before it looks like it's being devoured by something. There's another pause, as she brushes some crumbs from her jacket, and smiles.]

Yeah, I know, I know. Hard to believe it's gone, but- at least people weren't possessed. Or used as vessels. And Hell didn't take over the world, like Abe had wanted it to. I guess there is some positives to it after all.

[She grins, looking forward at the crowd coming into the Arrivals section.]

Still, it'll take some getting used to. Don't think I'd have it any other way, though.

3rd person sample: It wasn't a question of being loyal. That wasn't it, he was dead, why should she be tied to someone she could never see again?

It wasn't a question of morals. Though try as she might, it seemed like a good excuse- but not the real reason as for why she did what she did.

It wasn't a question of desire, either. She knew that for certain. Necrophilia was definitely not one of her things, even moreso when said dead person tried to nearly obliterate your town.

So whenever Krypta was asked "Do you miss him," or "Did you love him," she always had to pause in her answer, and question as to why. Why people asked that, why she always hesitated, and why she could never seem to let go.

Maybe it was just the fact that, even after it had been two years- two long, hellish, beyond-all-logic-and-reasoning years- she still missed him. Missed his touch, missed his voice, missed everything about him. And maybe because of that, she didn't really trust anyone the same way. It hurt too much, to open herself so willingly, to let her heart blind her actions and motivations for what she did back then.

But in a way, wasn't she still doing the same thing, even now, after he'd died? Killed by her own two hands, otherwise the town, and possibly the world, would've been royally screwed over. It sucked that she was pretty much forced into that position- but then again, it wasn't like she had a choice to begin with. Kill, or be killed. Fight, or die. There was no other option. There never was when it came to facing demons.

Still, when it came to an answer overall, she never had one. All she could do was bleakly smile, laugh, and say "I don't know, I think I still do. And I always will." And somehow, underneath it all- that was good enough for her.

Questions?: If A + B = C, does that mean D is all of the above?

Did you put your characters name and fandom in the subject: Yup!

*ooc, *application

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