Did you ever think to yourself whether you were supportive, emotive, directive or.. wait, whats the last one again.
Anyway, that day on sales management we found out what we were, most of the people were emotive, with a handful supportive and 1 or 2 in the rest.
Supportive= Quiet at times, Good listener bla bla bla.
Maybe if i was emotive this shit wouldn't have happened and I would be happy.
But thats like saying I wish i was beautiful because life would be great and you would love me more, then again, i also wished i had superpowers like being able to stop time and read other people's minds. because i'm human. & I want 3 more wishes.
- I've been distracting myself by watching Chuck lately and its a pretty awesome show. (sorry i'm stupid & slow like that)
- I'm stuck on Skins S3e09 because I can't find anything that loads fine! sucks ass.
- Will watch Gossip GIrl today and Monday to prepare for the season finale yay.
- Heroes season finale was pretty bad, goodness the writers better buck up for the next season.
- HIMYM is killing me! haha first stella comes back and then he breaks her up and then he brings her back together. but i still <3 the show. Its the kind of life i want, an apartment, New York, friends, drinks.
There's a whirlwind of emotions that i'm feeling right now. Am i supposed to be furious? furious that I didn't receive or feel much of your love? or just sad? sad for myself that I put all my heart into this and i got peanuts? It sucks whent there's an ex involved and the fact that his words are still so fucking influential.
Goodnight and goodbye to you.