I've waited a week to make sure it was old news so that I didn't have to hide it behind a cut.
Ekhm... Yes.
On the other hand, what is it with TV women lately? Is it some kind of new trend? First Lisa on SPN and now this. They both seem capable, strong, SMART women, but then they go and say things like, "That's just what he is and I just disregarded it when everything was okay (and the sex was good), but now we've run into this first problem and I don't feel like working through it like a grown-up person so I'll just ditch his sorry, broken hearted ass. Oh and don't mind my kid who just lost a father figure. S/he'll just learn to hate his arse now and then will grow up to be successful enough to pay for his/her therapy. No problem there."
... That's not the exact words. More like loose translation, but You know what I mean.
Now, as You may or may not know, I'm finishing my last year of MA. Mostly I try to work on my thesis. I use the word try because for the longest time I've been totally writer blocked. At least I'm writer blocked in this one matter. My mind is just teaming with fic ideas. So I thought to myself 'maybe if I write one of them down, it'll break the spell?'
So I have this one simple idea for a short SPN fic*. The main premise is that after the Meg kiss Dean decides to feel responsible for Cas newly emergent libido. He decides also that he cannot let said libido to guide an angel whose whole knowledge of sex comes from Dean's jokes and one the pizza man & a baby sitter porn flick. For the purpose of educating Castiel in the art of emotional and factual reality of picking up women and sex he invites the angel to a shared watching of erotic movies and porn.
The problem with this is, I barely ever watch porn. It is simply the last item on my 'To Buy' list and there's almost never enough left to buy any. And the free kind on cable TV and the Internet is just ugh... (I much prefer my porn to be of the written kind.) But to be able to write Castiel's reactions and questions to it, I need to know at the very least two porn movies. So, is there anything out there on the net that is both good and free? Or maybe You could describe to me Your favourite flick?
It's a wierd request, I know, but... Help?
I was at the pool. The pool gave me a virus. The ointment to sure the virus makes me sore like I spent the day in a ill fitting saddle on a bucking horse. I walk bow legged. I will NEVER again go o the pool. ={
*BTW, I notice how all my ideas for stories under the 5K mark are SPN fic. Somehow, whenever I have an idea for a Snarry it always ends up closer to 15-30K minimum. Why's that? Any ideas?