First time posting with Semagic. Hope this works.
With the last post - no, the post BEFORE last - I've opened Pandora's Box. Now the rambling just spills over...
I think I'll start with the sort of meme. I've been watching SPN lately and the fanservice there is as obvious as a slap to the face in a silent room. But I've started thinking, maybe it's not? Maybe it's just me? After all there's not all that much of it in HP, if any. Maybe I'm just not immune enough? And then when the idea of this little thing popped into my mind.
I'd like You to tell me what was the best piece of fanservice so far and what would be the ultimate fanservice in the Top Three of Your favourite stories/series.
For me it would look like this:
Harry Potter
1. The scene of Snape's death. Lily's eyes my arse. He was looking at Harry.
2. After Snape's "death" Harry reveals their secret relationship during the final show down with Voldemort. That's what Snape "comes back from the dead", of course. =}
1. So far it's a toss up between "The last person looked like me like that, I got laid" and "Your problems always come first."
2. A teenage witch "whamming" Dean into talking about his feelings. ALL of them. Even those he's repressed so much even he doesn't know he has them. This of course leads to his swearing his undying love to Cas. (With a possible addition of some woman. I wouldn't mind Bella, or possibly Jo.)
House MD
Now here is an interesting thing. I ship House/Wilson and I ship House/Cuddy, but the three of them at once? Not so much. So I have two sets for this one.
1. Snape telling Wilson that he (Wilson) is dating a female version of House.
2. I honestly don't know. Some kind of case wherein House kisses Wilson to fuck with someone’s mind, but they decide they rather liked it and "lets do it again."
1. Season seven, basically.
2. See above.
So whose next?
Perception is a funny thing. Since the day we are born, we are taught that the world around us looks in a certain way. Generally, this way of viewing the world we are taught is called "reality". Some things are "real" or "true" and some are not. Always. For everyone.
As far as I'm concerned, there is one major problem with this concept. Something I don't often see acknowledged. This problem is that with every experience our view of "reality" changes. And something that is subject to emotions can NEVER be said to be constant, true for all humanity.
We (people who watch SPN) all know that Jason is taller than Misha. It's an undisputable fact. We can see it every time the two stand next to each other. It then stands to reason, that Dean is taller than Castiel and it cannot be changed. And all through season 4 this is how I've viewed them. But during Season five, where Cas was so... well badass and awesome all the way through, whereas Dean got more and more desperate and broken with every episode, my perception started shifting. By the time Dean's done a runner to go try saying ‘yes’, even though I was seeing the same two actors, Castiel looked bigger than life. Certainly taller than Dean. And even though I knew it wasn't possible, it didn't change what I saw.
But that's only the most recent example. My developing slash goggles are a far older one. I've started reading slash when I was about... 15 or 16? Before that time, it never even occurred to me that you could slash characters. I never saw the possibilities. By the time I was 18 my parents couldn't understand my reactions when we watched TV. They simply don't see the things I see. We see different realities.
But why do I talk about all this? Because I wander sometimes, especially when I watch something like Matrix or Inception, or read a book or a comic in this vain, how real our "reality" is. How many of the "impossible" things happens every day? Which world is "real"? The world I see, or the one seen by the deeply autistic boy somewhere on the other end of the world?
Real person slash is a novelty to me. I mean, I've known about the concept, but I've never actually encountered any stories of the sort. Since I've started to watch Supernatural and reading SPN fanfiction, I've seen a lot of them. I've even read one. To say the truth? I don't get it.
It's not that I condemn it. Far from it. To each their own, I've always said. It just doesn't work for me. With a fictional character, I have no problem setting my slash goggles to the highest setting. It seems I cannot do it with a person I know actually exists. It's as if there is some kind of glass wall in my mind separating the actor from the character s/he is playing. And... Well, I wouldn't want strangers to write stories about me, taking my life and twisting it to feet their own mould. It just feels weird.
On a completely different note and very TMI. With Castiel and Dean, I love nothing more than to slash them together. But when it's Misha and Jensen? IF I ever imagine them naked, it's usually with ME in between. (Which is a new thing, too, since I've never had fantasies about actors. NEVER. Even when I was a teenager...)
And finally the plot bunny, to wrap up all those ramblings nicely:
When I was thinking about RPS an idea popped into my mind. It could be constructed to be RPS, though it's not it in my mind. To tell the truth, it makes me go slightly "eek" to think about it that way... ANYWAY, the idea:
The wizarding world discovers that someone leaked the HP story to the Muggles. It's already a world wide hit, so it's impossible to do anything about it. The "real" Snape and Harry hate each other just like the books say. Pretty much everything with the exception of Snape's death is exactly like in the books. The last of the movies based on the books is about to or already was aired (could be years ago). Harry and Snape somehow meet actors playing them (it would be a blast if they accidentally wound up at a HP convention) and discover that the two are *gasp* TOGETHER. The discovery somehow leads the two to developing a relationship of their own. (Could be an affair, but I'd just divorce Harry or make him a widower, maybe.)
So that's it... I don't think I've ever written a post this long that was not a fic...
Let's hope this Semagic thing works. *crosses fingers*