Couldn't hold it any more...

Nov 06, 2010 13:56

I don't do fangirl stuff. Mostly, I just keep my thoughts to myself or pester my RL friends with them. Alas, I'm the only one watching Supernatural among my friends, so You, my dear flist, will have to suffer my ramblings about the new episode.

I've said this somewhere before, but this show pretty much shoves the slash down the poor fangirls' throats!

I mean, come on! They KNOW they have slash loving fans. They MUST. This is all fanservice, right? It cannot be just my slash goggles, can it?

The first nine minutes of the episode was all about Dean/Castiel fans getting their weekly fill of goodies.

First off, Dean calls and Castiel pops right in, AGAIN. And when he does the 'diagnosing' and Dean comes up to him, they're practically brushing against each other every time. It might not look like much, but even in the first episode, when Dean was preparing breakfast with Lisa and they were maneuvering a tiny kitchen? Way more space between them.

And than Cas goes to take of his belt and of course he stares at Dean. Who stares at Castiel's hands. 'Nuf said.

By the way - Sam's face and his stammering? I've laughed at loud. ...Several times.

Then of course Sam makes puppy eyes at Dean (by the by, best puppy face Jared made so far; first time it actually did NOT annoy me), they put up a token fight and Sam gets his way. As always.

Then of course Cas heals Sam (even though its CLEAR he doesn't think it's a good idea) and, because he has NOTHING more pressing to do, he goes with the boys for their Grumps Time Special.

And here we get another two BEAUTIFUL gems:

1. Was it just me, or did Dean smirked there just a little bit when he told Castiel to stop bragging? He didn't sound all that annoyed, anyway.

And Cas true form being approximately the size of the Chrysler Building? ... .... I'm a dirty, dirty person...

2. Of course. Your problems always come first.

I know it was probably meant to be sarcastic, but with Misha doing so good a job out of not giving Castiel any inflection, anything Castiel says is always up for interpretation. And my slash headphones doubled the volume at that one. =}

I chose to interpret it as "It pisses me of that you're such a selfish bastard, but I will still do anything for you." With a romantic rather than friendly subtext.

And finally, a propos nothing: YAY! MORE CROWLY!

So, ekhm... Yeah, that'd be that.



slash, rambling, spn

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