.0006 Sick as a dog [Voice]Public]

Nov 26, 2008 13:59

[-A LOUD sneeze can be heard over the intercom of this message with a few sniffles following afterward.-]

Ugh... [-Mumbling, barely audible-] I should have worn a JACKET that night...

Screw being fashionable, my feet are still aching about all that running around.

[-Starts coughing a little-] Ow...eh? This is on p-oh hell!

[-Switches frequencies-]

[-Filtered: The Winding Way // Unhackable]

What's the DEAL?! How come everyone is passing this nasty virus around?
I can't even focus on my article now...

Ugh, my head! Its so cloudy and heavy, I never felt this bad before in my life.

There better be antibiotics on this ship, medics! I am getting tired of feeling TIRED.


Wait that didn't make any sense...

sick as a dog, the winding way, venus is bitchy, grr, accidental post

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