Some pics

Feb 05, 2009 15:22

Here are a load of pics that illustrate the last few days.. and as I go through today, I will be taking more piccies so will carry on uploading:)

First of all this is what I bought the other day (day after SNOW DAY) when I went to town with my sister... can you tell I like Torchwood?

This is Guildford train station - the start of my london trip with xxbabybananaxx 

This is the station again with snow :D

This is my bag - Full of shit I might add

This is my view from the Train (had to be discreet in taking pic as people were looking at me hehe

This is the book I was reading on the train (with a piece of easter egg on top)

A pic of the Theatre Royal - Drury Lane (a Most Haunted location I might add!!!!)

Shortly before this pic was taken, me and Anna accidentally joined some tour group

yet ANOTHER pic of the Theatre Royal (see any ghosts)

Outside the theatre

The entrance to the theatre

Front of the theatre again

On our way to Hamley's Anna and I met CATHERINE TATE!! WAHOO! I love The Catherine Tate Show and I loved her in Doctor Who was so VVVVV excited! And she's really nice (and funny) in person :)


Chinatown again

Chinatown... yet again (this was whilst waiting for Anna to hurry up and buy some cakes haha!)
That big flash is where my camera reflected off a street sign - V  bright I must say.

Last pic of Chinatown

A review of my purchases (NOTE the Hamley's bag :D)

A pic of my John Barrowman autogrpah in my limited edition signed book bought from Forbidden Planet

That Night I experimented with my Egyptian Dig and Discover kit (which is a lump of powder clay that you dig away at to find little artefacts - and this is a pic of me wearing the Hilarious protective gear with it! (Made me feel like Scully in Fight the Future doing the autopsy on the dead fireman (that dalek poster - suprisingly - is not mine btw.

Here is a pic of the clay rock with tools (yes that is one of my mum's plates)

ONTO The Next Day

This is what I got up and did - Put ipod on :D

Played with Marley

Set up sea monkey/triop tank

Cleaned Marley out

This is the new wheel I spent 2 quid on (as old squeaks like hell) but this one is bloody useless :(

Mouse gave me a fright as thought I had lost him but he was in here

My mum's bed which has served as a dumping ground for all my stuff (must clean up before she comes home tomorrow)

A Close up of my crap

Mousey in his nice clean house

Mouse in his clean house again

I then joined the LJ community A Day In my Life

Then I took some pics of the snow outside which is slowly melting

More snow (the park in the background

Will add some comparison pics of the snow when it first hit in a little while

here is my road

My lucky cat that I got in Chinatown London

My Christmas Lindt Santa 

My computer Desktop - Cos I was bored

And I shall perhaps add more after I have tidied my bedroom :) .

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