Jan 14, 2009 23:21
Since Most Haunted wasn't on last night due to Most Haunted Live -(which I have to watch another time since Folks won't watch it), I haven't got a MH update.. but I do have another update:
My mum bought me my new ipod today :D :D :D as an early b-day present and it's the 120GB Classic which also has video (which is just SQUEEEEE!!! Cos I can watch Matthew/Anna clips on the go hahaha.. and Doctor Who :D) so I love her v v v v v much :D :D :D :D However means I should sell my old one.. but I feel a bit bad .. cos my sister bought it as a birthday present in 2006 ... so I may hang onto it for a while...
Am dreading Friday however since tis my school graduation ceremony - if you like.. where I have to go and get all my A Level certificates.. and have to see everybody.. including Riley - Eurgh!!, and tell them I'm unemployed - hurrah!! But I spose I can tell them I'm going to do Law.. That's a big thing.. and makes me sound very smart :) :)
Specially cos Riley's gonna have a field day when he finds out I've left uni..