Full Name: justin gus lekos
Birthday: april 9, 1988
Favorite Boy Names: mmm... ill get back to you on that one
Favorite Girl Names: as well as this one too
Brand of Water: Aquafina or dasani
Where you work: half student half lekos electric inc.
Favorite Teacher: hmmm mrs schwartzwald
Who you go to for advice: nick, dad
Favorite AM drink: water. lol
Most valued posession: probably... my computer. cuz i have so much stuff like pics and music and stuff like that.
Favorite comfort song: "why georgia" john mayer
Vacation spot: mammoth, hawaii
River or desert: river
Last person who made you laugh: umm i cant remember it was like 4 hours ago. last person i was with was lauren and im sure i laughed.
Favorite phrase: "so it goes.."
Where else you'd like to live: more north than el cajon. possibly north county
Person who's the best influence on you: andrew dad
Person who knows most about you: mm me. no one understands to the full extent what my brain goes through everyday haha
Saddest movie: well ive heard the notebook was pretty sad. hahaha *wink*
Favorite dessert: creme brulee, chocolate lava cake mmmmmmmmmmm
Best reason you've called in sick: a desire not to go to school *shrug*
First memory from childhood: having a trampoline party at my house for 7th birthday. it was big and green and it was a dragon and i got a styrafoam glider plane thingy. umm it was long time ago
Favorite quote: "Better
One place you want to go before you die: mm fiji
Most ambitious dream: to have awesome kids.a wife that im in love with. and to pursue something that requires me to use my brain in new ways every day.
How many kids you'd like: 2
Who you'd call if you were in trouble: dad or andrew cuz andrew knows directions really good lol.
Ever been arrested: well ive been in handcuffs... but not all the way to jail
major sporting event you'd like to go to: the olympics :-)
Where you'd like to work: mm i wanna have an office and good income and not long hours but something that isnt boring and i hafta work hard but i like it.
Charity that means the most to you: i dont really know :-X
One thing you want to quit doing: biting my nails
Favorite website: ummm
Coolest award you've won: most inspirational for water polo and swim
If you could be somewhere else right now, where would
you be? laurens house
Favorite Restaurant: hmm. flemmings downtown
Favorite Drink: DR PEPPER and water
Favorite Bar/Club: the one where you can get in as a minor :-D
Perfect Meal: thats tuff. umm dr pepper, a medium well steak, baked potato, french fries with ranch, and umm caesar salad.
Person you admire the most: i really dont have one person i admire the most. i admire many traits of many different people. but if i had to pick the person i admire the most traits from, my dad i suppose.
Biggest lesson learned: true friends are more important than anything in the world and as soon as you take your eyes off of that, your world will come tumbling down.
oh and about the handcuffs thing i was jokiiiing