So, its been a while

Apr 15, 2006 10:47

Lately my parents have been on my tail about late nights and what I'm doing out so late. I tell them that if I have a curfew and am home by that time, it should be fair. I guess what they're worried about is what exactly I am doing while I'm out. Apparently, the later you're out, the more likely you'll get into trouble. I find that assumption to be wrong. Actually, I can do anything I want, any time of the day. Doesn't mean that I'm getting into trouble. I don't think they understand, or maybe they don't believe, but they are gone all day, and so is everyone else, so i go to CLC or chill at home...when night falls, everyone can hang out, so thats where I am. I've become slightly nocturnal. On occasion I'll miss behave, but what teenager doesn't? Besides, I'm responsible as I can be about whatever I do. My parents just expect me to talk to them everyday, fill them in on my life, where I am, what's new... I can do that, not all the time, because if you can't have privacy, what can you have? Sometimes I just can't talk though, its hard to talk to someone with your guard down when you know they are on to you for nonsense. Anyways, the point of my story is coming...
I talked to my little sister today. She asked me if I had liked her Easter eggs that she had painted. I said of course, they were laying out on the table when I got home from late work last night. She had said that she asked mom if she should wait for me to make some and mom said dont worry about it. Corrinne asked if she should leave me an egg and my mom said no. I could have been nonshalant, ashley-at-work-Easter-is-coming type of thing, but considering the atmosphere of my home life lately, I took it to heart. I started to cry a little thinking about how I haven't helped decorate the Christmas tree in two years, nor have I helped make Easter eggs for two years. Honestly, I love to do that stuff, and maybe no one notices because I'm getting older, but its a real bonding experience, good time. I would definitely be there, if I had a heads up of when we were doing it. No one called me or asked.
I guess that refers back to the previous problem of where I am at night. No one calls. I guess I could call to say where I am, but how in the Earth am I supposed to know when we're coloring Easter eggs? I figure we'd do them today- the day before Easter.
Everything's fine now. My little sister just offered to make another batch with me. She is a beautiful person. I love her-regardless of Easter eggs.
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