Oct 01, 2004 15:02
Tonight is the last performance of As You Like It and then we have two days of Antony and Cleopatra and then the run is over. But the good news is that I'm gonna be working the strike. Monday through Friday 8 to 5 which is gonna rock money-wise cuz I'll come in on Monday making time and a half. And the other good news is that I have been asked to run follow spot for Grinch *does happy dance* So I will be getting some time off (even though now everyone is back in school) and then I get to go back. So I'm kinda curious if anything bad is gonna happen tonight during the performance cuz the past two nights have been rather odd. On Wednesday night there were some mistakes like the smoke was turned up all the way so the campfire looked like a little volcano and they forgot to move the turntable at intermission so it was completely off where it normally is which meant there were pieces of scenery in the way of the scene. Then last night an actor forgot about one of his scenes and didn't make it there on time so they had to go on without him and just sort of cut the lines where they talk to him and the kicker of the evening was when our lead man had dressed up like a witch and walked out on stage during the middle of a scene and simply walked across the stage. Some people think he was on drugs because he wasn't acting like himself which just makes me wonder how do you perform a show in that state? Anyway, our stage manager was very unhappy with this and when I left last night she was having a "talk" with the dressers because they had provided him with the costume. Everyone went backstage to go watch it but I just went home I figure I can hear all about it today. So now were just sort of wondering what kind of wonderful adventure will be occurring tonight.