Jun 28, 2009 23:52
Hello everyone, its been quite a while, hasn't it? A lot have things have changed over these 13 months, and sadly I don't know how to say it all. But before I try I have one thing to say to you guys.
I am sorry for just vanishing without a word. That was rude of me and I hope to god I will not do it again. It is going to be a while until I'm online on a regular basis.
That said, yes I am still alive, and I'm doing pretty good. Well at least as well as one can be with out the internet. I've been drawing a lot but really haven't written anything. When I get my hands on a scanner again I maybe able to share. I've moved out, three times. I am currently living with my boyfriend of over a year now in our very own apartment. His name is Neil, he is five years older then me, and we haven't been able to leave each others side for almost nine months now.
At the moment we are jumping on to some random network that we only get late at night and right beside the window. Things have been hectic, but amazing and I don't think I could be happier then I am now. I really want to talk to you guys again, I miss you all. I am going to try going on to MSN but if I do manage to get on its going to be at some odd hours. I look forward to being able to talk to you all when we are able to, and again I apologize.