Well A few day's ago was Fuji's "Birthday" and Tomorrow is Yukimura's, so this is kinda their B-day prezzies from me ^_^ Yes I fail, don't worry I know.
((that's because you haven't seen the pretty version!))
Yeah, I was afraid people may not be able to tell what it was, but you can! ((is that proper english? I can't remember . . . *has been unable to use proper english for the past few days* *brain is on strike* ^_^;; ))
XD I won't, stolen_faith98 would bring me back to life, kill me in the most painful way, then bring me back to finish everything I owe her XD. I'm not alowed to die XD.
Actually, one of my friends was planing on drawing my Yukimura tentacle as a comic. I wonder if she gave up on that *ponders* but she did draw Tentacle/Fuji!! ((even if she deleted it from all her sites, why I have no clue, but thank god I've got a copy of it on Photobucket! >D )) --> http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i215/Origo_shado/Alicia/Fuji_and_Tentacle_by_wacko77.jpg
No, I wouldn't because I've already got one of him started on my giant page of Mood Theme bases XD. A tentacle mood theme eh? that sounds sooooooo cool . . . I have no idea how a tentacle would show different moods though because all it has is "horny", "satisfied" and "impotent" >D
I was the one that talked her into drawing it >D (with a few other people's help)
I have Kaidoh, Tezuka, Atobe, Fuji, Kikumaru, Jiroh, Sanada, Mizuki, Kirihara, Akutsu and Dan at the moment XD ♥_♥ Yes!!! oh, we could do it as a colab!!!! *has always wanted to do an art colab* *squee*
Sw33t! Those are the bases I have so far, I could send you some of the photoshop files and we can work out the little details of . . . everything else XD
Yeah, I was afraid people may not be able to tell what it was, but you can! ((is that proper english? I can't remember . . . *has been unable to use proper english for the past few days* *brain is on strike* ^_^;; ))
XD I won't, stolen_faith98 would bring me back to life, kill me in the most painful way, then bring me back to finish everything I owe her XD. I'm not alowed to die XD.
Actually, one of my friends was planing on drawing my Yukimura tentacle as a comic. I wonder if she gave up on that *ponders* but she did draw Tentacle/Fuji!! ((even if she deleted it from all her sites, why I have no clue, but thank god I've got a copy of it on Photobucket! >D )) --> http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i215/Origo_shado/Alicia/Fuji_and_Tentacle_by_wacko77.jpg
No, I wouldn't because I've already got one of him started on my giant page of Mood Theme bases XD. A tentacle mood theme eh? that sounds sooooooo cool . . . I have no idea how a tentacle would show different moods though because all it has is "horny", "satisfied" and "impotent" >D
(( Seems good enough to my dumb brain. XD )) I can! : DD And if Toh-chan can, anyone can do it!
I SAW THAT. She posted it on a comm once. : DD I love that picture.
YAYAYAYAY. KAIDOH. *is so obsessed* I could totally help you!
I have Kaidoh, Tezuka, Atobe, Fuji, Kikumaru, Jiroh, Sanada, Mizuki, Kirihara, Akutsu and Dan at the moment XD ♥_♥ Yes!!! oh, we could do it as a colab!!!! *has always wanted to do an art colab* *squee*
X33 Oooh! That'd be cool! It'd be slow but I'd totally get my half done. XD
Sw33t! Those are the bases I have so far, I could send you some of the photoshop files and we can work out the little details of . . . everything else XD
Say if there were 16 moods, I'd take the first eight and you'd take the second eight?
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