Mar 06, 2006 06:22

The weekend was VERY bittersweet. Broken hearts and new relationships were born and I guess you have to take the good with the bad. I guess I'll run through the bad junk first. Seeing my sister upset is NEVER fun, but she did okay considering I was a giant sack of tears when I was in her position about a year ago. (And people wonder why I prefer to be single) I honestly had expected a bit more, but regardless, I felt pretty bad about her being so upset. I've also been terribly worried about a friend of mine who's going through a lot of stress and life is really horrible for him. It has been for a long time, but it seems that everything is coming to a head for him and all I want to do is help. Like I said, I'm worried. But on the GOOD side, I got to see Lee and Emily! I love them very much and they were really great to us. They also helped us car hunt. And guess what??? We got a Jeep! So no more "Sorry, I don't have a car." junk. No more missing Valsgarde sets. I'm excited and this is something we've really needed. And on top of it all... ORCHID CAN GET A JOB! Also, we met some kickass girls. One of them being someone I've meant to talk to for awhile, but honestly never had the courage. Come to find out... She's... a total... SWEETHEART! Seriously. This girl is awesome and I'm really glad I met her and talked to her. SO much tension was released once the first initial conversation took place. It was like a huge weight lifted. So, the weekend wasn't all bad. I got to see my favorite men in the world, we got a car... I just hope the other stuff works out for the best. And in case you read this... Snuggles... I love you very much and I want you to be okay. Please take care of yourself and hang in there. Things will get better, I promise. I'll help you anyway I can. Just hang in there. And NiNi.... WE HAVE A JEEP!!!!!!!! I love you very much, too! And to the Valsgarde gang... I LOVE YOU, TOO! sorryimissedyourset...... -_-
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