Essay Prompts

Jul 05, 2010 22:15


Since people have written many outstanding essays in here, we mods recently came up with the idea of giving you all essay prompts.

We want this to be really informal, so it's not any kind of contest. There's no length requirement, and you can take the prompt in any light you like. You can participate or not, as you wish. There are no prizes.

The only rule is that your essays be focused on Decepticon culture/values/characters/etc., because anything else is off-topic for the comm.

We will post a prompt once per month.

Without further ado, the first, then:
Which Decepticon character do you identify with most, and why?

As I said, we mean this to be very informal and fun, so I'm opening this up to any version of any character. If there's a particular bit of fanon you just love, feel free to tell us about the version of the character that you like so much (and give us recs, whee!) But if you do choose to go with a version of a character from someone's (or your own!) fic (or, hell, someone's OC), please give us enough info about the character that we know what he or she is like.

Have fun, guys! You've all written some fantastic essays in here before, so I'm really looking forward to this.

(My own answer is really predictable, so I'm hoping y'all won't need me to jump-start this, though I may just participate anyway. :-) )

mod post, essay prompt, essay: character

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