Authorized Friengers Only

Dec 31, 2011 23:00

F R I E N D S /
/ O N L Y

So, I decided to make the diary completely friends only, as now I'm posting my icons at luvicon, and no goodies are posted here. You still want to be my friend? Well, there's some things you need to know.

+ I'm mexican, so I speak spanish and some of my entries are in this language, I would say it's 80% english, 20% spanish.

+ Don't add me if I know you in real life.

+ I always check my friendlist and comment as much as possible, but sometimes I don't feel like commenting or I don't have anything to say, lol. So if you're the kind of person that unfriends when no commenting, don't add me.

+ We don't really have to have anything in common, I'm open minded, so all I ask when commenting to be added it's to tell me your name/nickname or some word to call you xD.

+ I love japanese, korean and generally asian stuff: music, anime, manga. You hate it? Well then you don't have anything to do here.

+ If you want to be added, just make sure you add me first
and comment to this entry. That's it.

Wish you happiness and love&;



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