Another Part of me: Part 1

Nov 25, 2004 09:51

This a ff I wrote for my health class (we had to use a bunch of emotions in writing, so I did this).

(Another Part of Me: Part 1)

Selena turned over in her bed and looked lazily at the clock. She said in her head. She saw the time was 9 in the morning. The little calender on the table next to the clock read the 22nd of October. She sat up enthusiastically “Oh my God! The concert is today!” She exclaimed and hopped out of bed. She made her way to the kitchen cheerfully. Her sister Purity was sitting at the table eating bacon and eggs. “The concert is today. The concert is today.” Selena sang joyously. “In exactly 12 hours, I will sitting front row center to see Mr. Michael Jackson in concert.” She took a piece of bacon off of Purity’s plate and plopped down in the chair next to her sister.
Purity shook her apathetically. “You’re ready to pee in your pants, you’re so excited about seeing Michael Jackson live.”

Selena had been lucky enough to win two tickets to see Michael Jackson live. She never thought she would have gotten though when her favorite radio station was giving them away in a contest. She had won the tickets a few weeks ago and had been counting down the days to the concert. Selena’s mother sluggishly entered the kitchen and prepared to make some coffee. She had just woken up. Selena was hoping that either her mother or father could drive her down to Madison Square Garden. They would get there faster by car then by train.

“I have to call Val and see if she’s coming with us.” Selena said walking over to the phone.
“She’s going?” Purity asked anxiously. “ I thought I was going with you?”
“She said she was gonna buy her ticket so she can come with us.” She said in a relaxed tone She dialed Val’s number and got a ring tone. A voice answered calmly on the other end. “Hello?’ It was Val’s mother.
I’m just curious to know if Val is awake yet?” She asked.
“Actually, she just woke up.” Her mother replied. ‘I’ll put her on.” Selena was put on hold. Seconds later, a sleepy voice was heard on the other end. “Hey Selena.” Val replied.
“Hey!” Selena replied happily. “We’re going to leave around five tonight. You got your ticket?”
There was a moan on the other end of the line. “I can’t go.” Val said disappointed. “Mom found out who I was going to see and she’s forbidding me to see Michael Jackson.”
“What!?” Selena asked shocked. “Why!?”
“Mom’s totally anti MJ.” Val said in a frustrated tone. “I told her I was going with you to see Evanescence., but she found out who I was really going to see and got really aggressive. She started ranting on saying no daughter of hers is going to go see that degenerate in concert.” There was a long pause of silence. Selena couldn’t believe that her best friend wouldn’t be coming to the concert with her. The silence was beginning to make Selena uncomfortable. “I really wish you could come.” Selena said depressed. “It won’t be the same without you.”
“I really wanted to come to, but mom is really beginning to irritate me about it.”
Selena said bye to Val and hung up. Her mood had taken a drive. She felt miserable. Val had been her best friend for 3 years and she had been really looking forward to sharing what she thought would be a great experience with her best friend. She sat back in her chair and sulked. Purity looked at her concerned. “What happened?”
“Val can’t come. Her mom said no.”
“Oh.............That sucks.” Purity seemed surprisingly sympathetic. She doesn’t show sympathy very often.

It was getting on eleven o’ clock. Selena decided to get dressed. She put on a pair of torn up dark blue jeans and a black tank top. She wasn’t intending to wear anything that special to the concert. She went into her parents bedroom. Her mother and father were lying on the bed watching TV. “Mom, you driving me and Pure to MSG tonight right?” Selena asked innocently.
“Sure. We’ll leave around six, ok?” Mom said peacefully.
“Thanks Mom. I’m really grateful. I hate taking the train. I just never fell comfortable riding them.” Selena said.

Selena went back into her room and lied down on the bed. She putin a one of her Michael Jackson CDs and began singing along with the first song. “Someone put your hand out, I’m begging for your love. “Cus all I do is hand out a heart that needs your love.” She sang. The day was going to be boring and long since she was anticipating the concert so much. She had to think of a way to kill some time until six. “What can I do until six?” She asked herself. She turned on her side and began thinking of things to do to make the time go faster. She became very serene as she lied on her comfortable bed and unwillingly fell asleep.

An arm shook Selena awake. “Yo. Wake up.” It was Purity.
“What time is it?” Selena asked groggily.
Selena jumped out of bed and began dancing around. “Woo hoo!” The concert is in a few hours!”
“If only you were this energetic when it’s time to clean the house.” Purity joked.
“I’m still sad that Val couldn’t come.” Selena said. “How can you not like Michael Jackson?” She said thinking about Val’s mom. “It just perplexes me to no end.”
“Well not everyone likes Michael Jackson.” Purity said indifferently.
“I think Val’s Mom is just jealous because Michael is a world wide star and she’s stuck ringing up groceries in the supermarket.” Selena and Purity began laughing.
“Speaking of groceries and food. “Purity said. “You want to eat something before we leave?”
“Nay, it’s okay. I’m to excited to eat.”
“We’ll I’m going to grab a bite to eat.” Purity headed to the kitchen and Selena followed.. Purity opened the fridge door and was greeted with a foul smell. “How marvelous.” She said sarcastically. “Old smelly Swiss cheese. This is what Pops gets for hiding stuff in the bottom on the refrigerator.” Purity took out some cold cuts and cheddar cheese. “Selena, can you throw our that cheese?”
“Eww. I’m not touching that disgusting stuff!” She exclaimed.
“Stop being a baby and throw it out.”
“No way. It’s old and grimy and you should have done it when you had your head in there anyway.”
“You frightened of a little piece of old cheese?”
“No.” Selena said insulted. Selena picked up the cheese with two fingers and tossed it in the garbage. She went to take a slice of ham out of the deli wrapper, but Purity slapped the back of Selena’s hand with a spoon. :I thought you were to excited to eat?”
“Don’t be so greedy.” Selena said. “I was just going to take one slice.” They both sat in chairs at the table. “So....” Purity said taking a bite of the sandwich she made.”You planning on throwing your underwear on the stage?”
Selena laughed. “Maybe. That’s only if I don’t throw myself on the stage first.” Selena looked at the cable box on top of the little TV on the table. “Wow. It’s a quarter to six already.”
“Yup.” Purity said finishing off her sandwich. She got up and peeked into their parents bedroom. “Mom, you ready to go? This one over here is so pumped up, she can hardly sit still anymore.”
Selena’s mother and father came out of the bed room with there coats on. “Lets get going.” Her mom said. The four of them exited the apartment and headed downstairs. The car saw parked down the black. “Pure, you wanna race to the car?” Selena asked.
“I’m game.” As they were about to run, their mother shot a look of disapproval their way.
“Come on mom.” Selena said sullen. “We’re like half a block away.”
“Yea, and she really need to get some energy out.” Purity added.. “Maybe that way she’ll be more subdued in the car.”
“I don’t it.” Dad said.
“Fine.” Mom said giving in. “But be carful.”
Selena and Purity began to sprint to the car, letting the trees and parked cars become burrs as they ran. The little race ended quickly and Purity put her hand on the hood of the car and declared herself the winner. Selena was panting. “No fare. You have longer legs then me.”
“Don’t be silly.” Purity said catching her breath. “You know I’m the better runner.
Mom and Dad finally made it to the car and everyone got in. Mom and Dad sat in the front, while Purity and Selena sat in the back. Selena’s mother pulled an old worn cd player out of her bag. “Here Selena.” Her mother said. “You left this in my bag.” Selena took the cd player, along with the old earphones that were still attached. She needed to get new earphones soon. The car purred and they started on their way to Manhatten. Selena put her head set on and began listening to the CD inside (it was Michael Jackson of coarse). It was a smooth ride until they got to the throughway. The car began slowing down. Selena took off her headset. “What happened? Why is the car stopping?”
“Traffic jam.” Dad said in a morose tone. “It must still be rush hour.”
“Oh no.” Selena said to her to herself. She was worried that she would be late to the concert. “What if we don’t make it in time?”
“We’ll make it in time, dear.” Mom assured her. “That’s why we left early, just in case something like this happened.”
“Traffic build ups never fail to annoy the hell out of me.” Dad said
“I’m confident that cars will start moving any minute. “Mom said, but despite her prediction, the cars failed to move an inch. People began honking their horns and yelling out their window, as if it would solve the problem. A red firebird managed to squeeze by the family car, as well as several others. “What on earth is he trying to do?” Purity asked. “You can hardly move in this traffic and he’s trying to squeeze pass people!”
“How reckless.” Mom said
Dad stuck his head out the window. “Why don’t you be a little patient like the rest of us!” He said enraged.
“Pops don’t sound to patient right now.” Selena whispered to Purity. They both chuckled.

After a few minutes of waiting, the cars began to move. “Finally!” The whole family said in unison. The rest of the ride was smooth sailing. It left Selena pondering the sudden stand still on the road. “I wonder why the cars suddenly stopped like that?” Selena asked. “If it was rush hour, the cars would be crawling along, instead of just starting to move without a problem.”
“As long as the problem is over>” Mom said.
“It was probably like an overturned car or something.” Purity added.

The rest of the ride went without a hitch. In less then 30 minutes, they were in front of Madison Square Garden. Purity and Selena got out of the car, but their mom and dad didn’t.
“Do you know what time the concert is ending?” Mom asked.
“No clue.” Selena said.
“Well, you have your cell phone, so give us a call when you get out of the Garden and well pick you up.”
“Okay.” The sisters said together. They turned around and made there way into Madison Square Garden.
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