Jul 31, 2005 16:08
Okay girls (& guys) I need some advice on this one. Brandon has a friend named Kerry who is a close personal friend of his. Now I don't have a problem with my boyfriend having friends that are girls- that's stupid. What I don't like however, is when Kerry says things like, "too bad you're gonna leave her (me) for me when I come to GV next fall." Or in talking about Brandon & Dave Lange she said, "yeah it sucks that both their boyfriends (me & Nicole) are madly in love with me." Brandon says she's kidding, I don't think she is. She recently became single and has a "boyfriend for the month" where he is apparently aware she is going to dump him when she leaves to come here on the 24th. She talks to Brandon about wanting to kiss him when she was with her last boyfriend & they have kissed before. I tried to tell him how it bothered me that she would say things like that & he wouldn't say anything to it in response and he just got mad at me. I hate feeling jealous like this, I've never been the jealous type and didn't ever plan on to start. But I can't help feeling like this. And I don't even think that it's jealousy. I'm pissed at the fact that she doesn't respect the fact that IM Brandon's girlfriend (and not her) and is trying to get with him. I'm also a little pissed that Brandon isn't doing anything about it when he made it very clear certain aspects of mine and Chad's friendship bothered him. So I started hanging out with Chad less. Yeah I didn't necessarily agree with that, but I knew I'd want him to do the same if we were to switch places. And Chad and I never had conversations where he would try to convince me to leave Brandon for him. The only thing we would joke about was "getting married when we're 22 if neither of us is already married/engaged" which is harmless fun. And Brandon knows Chad, I don't know Kerry. He says it doesn't make a difference, but I think it does. Chad might not like Brandon, but he does respect the fact that he's my boyfriend and has instead of just asking me to hang out, it's been "hey do you and Brandon wanna hang out?" type of thing. He's actually putting in the effort to try and get along with Brandon so he can continue to be friends with me, Kerry on the other hand, would probably throw a party if we were to break up and try to have sex with him that same night. I'm sorry but after dealing with Brandy when I was with Rob, and Brandy again when I was with Frank (and now they're engaged.. crazy) it really bothers me when someone tries to get with my boyfriend. It's just not cool, go find someone who isn't already seeing someone. Or your own age even, she's 17, he's 21. With previous experience & friends' expereinces, the age gap really doesn't work until you get in the mid-20's. Then it's a little less evident. To be honest, I'd rather have him be friends with Stephanie (the first love) again than Kerry. For starters Stephanie isn't a threat, she isn't coming here & lives back in Detroit and has made it very clear her and Brandon are better staying strictly friends. Kerry on the other hand, has much more in common with Brandon than I do, is coming to school here next year, might even possibly be bowling next year (although being president.. we'll see what we can do about that, haha kidding). I don't want him to stop being friends with her, but rather make it clear he's not interested, is in love with me, and that she needs to respect that. Because that what he tells me so I see no reason he can't tell her the same thing. Except as I mentioned earlier, every time I try to talk to him about this he just gets upset and says "well I had to deal with you and Chad" as if he's doing this just to spite me. Even though Chad never talked about me dumping Brandon for him. So it's similar, but not the same. Kerry seriously wants to be with him and doesn't really give two shits and a fuck that he's with me. I'm not saying she's a horrible person, I don't even know her, she's just probably the type that isn't going to give up until she gets what she wants. Yeah well neither am I. Because Brandon's mine & I will NEVER give up the feeling that I have when I'm with him for her or anyone else. Like I said, if anyone's ever been in this situation before or can offer some helpful insight, I'd greatly appreciate it & return the favor whenever needed.