Mar 23, 2004 16:09
Im in the basement, you're in the sky, i'm in the basement baby, drop on by...
Gah, i now understand what Tania means by wanting to go and live in Melbourne, i don't care how much of a shithole it is, it's got the best comedy circuit EVER. And not to mention, some of the cooolest people live there (eg: Pete...well, im not happy with him, he has the change to go to the festival, but hes not >.<). Anyway, yeah, the ticket prices are cheap...It's SO not fair. its like 26$ for a FULL DAY's ticket, and like 30$ for the whole comedy festival....and then here its like $33 for just ONE show, by one group. Fuckers. Oh yeah, that asshole who put paper in my hair on the bus the other day...yeah, it was actually a ticket, and in the morning he was walking behind me, and saying "hey, its ticket girl, urhurhurhur" fuckass. What's worse, i have no fucking idea who he is, and some fucking random kid, well, the one who came up to me some time ago, and babbled something and ran off, he was pointing at me.....why, why the fuck is some little year 7 kid so fascinated by me, i mean, i know im ugly, but seriously, get over it. This place sucks ass. Even Paz is better......fuckers. I hope everyone, except my friends, die from a mystery plague, or from a severe lack of intelligence. I want to meet Danny again, he was really nice, and come to think of it, his eyes were beautiful...i know i should be happy i even got to meet him, i havent liked him for too long, and he was like just randomly in front of me, and so many other people have probably waited ages and are still waiting to meet him....but....meh. I'll stop being so selfish now. Tania said that im not the only one who hangs on to 3 minutes of their entire life...made me feel a little less freakish...but i still feel it...I have to do two assignments, barely started either of them, so, so distracted...i better cope with it, im going to be like this for a while.....Im could probably tell by the ranting and raving im doing...fuck. *sigh* i don't know what it is, but i feel so let down by something...i think its just the fact that i havent gotten enough sleep and that so many things are on this week and next week...ok, ill shutup now...
Hold your breath and count to ten, fall apart then start again. Hold your breath and count to ten, start again, start again...