Jan 10, 2006 23:46
Well, s'all cleared. I guess, anyways, I haven' had much time off this year, so s'not like they can stop me. Got Rude a vacation fer Crimbo, totally had no idea what else ta get him an' I get ta go with him too, so that's a plus fer me! Jus' means ev'ryone's gonna hafta cope without my charm, wit, goodlookin'ness, an' ev'rythin' else I bring ta the office fer the next week. Soz, guys, you'll jus' hafta get on without me, brood, an' love me when I come back! Ha ha ha!
This is kinda my firs' real vacation, so... Dunno what it'll be like. Fun, I guess! Soakin' up the sun without havin' borin' press conferences an' shit ta go ta like when we travel with Ruf. Damn, I can't wait, it's gonna rock.
Goin' off t'morra, so, I'll see ev'ryone in a week! Don' do nothin' stupid while we're gone, or nothin'! Well, nothin' more stupid than usual... here's lookin' at you, El'... heh heh heh....
I'll update with shit when we get there! Got a flight an' stuff ta look forward too. Not. Still hate travellin', always will. Must r'member ta take that IPod Tseng bought me...