Title: Windfall for the Non-Believer
Author: the ever-lovely
glovered who put up with a lot of me, being awol. :D
crimson-adderPairing: Sam/Dean, some rating idk
Artist's Ramble: and again! I changed things up a bit 'cause of my
pinch hit last week, and I didn't want the art to be too similar. pen and ink is one of my very favourite ways to illustrate, though it gets tougher when going into detail on faces. never the less, I had an absolute ball illustrating such a great story! :D read it, quick as you can (when it's posted) 'cause it's awfully good. <3
and now, on to the art!
some notes about interacting with the images:
a) they might be out of order. give me a moment and a half, hold on to your saddle shoes, boys and girls, and I'll rummage about in the depths of my hard drive to find the story. :D
2) only click on the pictures if you want to see them in REALLY REALLY REALLY HIGH-DEFINITION LIKE A BILLION AND A HALF RESOLUTION, which is how my scanner supplies them. :)
c) these are hand-inked with pen, so there are some REALLY TERRIBLE, frankly GLARING issues with many of them, of which I am ALL TOO WELL AWARE perfectionist, what?. I'll refrain from pointing them out in the hopes that you won't notice them. :D
EXTRA BONUS: firecat(!)