Title: LowLives
Why I'm Writing It:
NaNoWriMo 2010Word Count: 50,000 and counting
Genre: Urban Fantasy Thriller (ish...)
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: So far: Drug use and abuse, drug trade, human trafficking, various levels of dubious consensual sex, mistaken identities, mild xenophobia of the mutant-X type, made up magical science, poorly written violence, vigilante justice, secondary character death, attempted rape of a minor character, poor comprehension of the legal system. More as I get to them. Also what's getting to be ridiculous amounts of gay sex (for me at least) D: Oh, and also I make up how gangs work, because the movies don't show what they do in their down time.
What Would Be on the Back Cover If I Ever Finish It: Arthur is in over his head. A small time criminal running with the big guys, and things don't go to plan. When he disappears for a weekend getaway and comes back calmer, colder, and far more competent, his co-workers think he's got his stuff together for the first time. But when the mysterious killings start, there's conflict within the gang, and not everyone is who they are supposed to be.
I'm currently friend-locking all posts save this one and the first chapter, so's to maintain first publishing rights. If you'd like to read, friend me! ([ETA] And then please let me know, because otherwise I will forget, because I'm ADD like that D:) It'll probably go up on AO3 when it's done, but I'm on the waiting list, so that won't happen soon.
part 1 /
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part 14 [ETA] I has an AO3!
mistyzeo was awesome enough to send me an invitation, so I'm putting this up there - though for the moment it'll remain here too. But
HERE is the first chapter on AO3 (locked to registered users)! :D