I beat Silent Hill: Homecoming yesterday. I know that I got one of the bad endings, obviously, but it was kind of a let down...the second half of the game, the part that actually takes place in Silent Hill felt more like a Hostel spinoff than a Silent Hill game...it had it's moments, but it just sort of...fell apart at the end. The final boss was totally wicked, but does that make up for almost an hour of gameplay with no fog, no darkness, and no creatures?
Not really.
So here it is...my final verdict on Silent Hill: Homecoming. There are spoilers here, so don't read if you haven't beaten it or if you don't want anything ruined.
Atmosphere: 8/10
When the game takes you through the fog, into the darkness, when you watch the transitions, it all feels so authentic. It's a little more hollywood than the last four, but that can be overlooked by the sheer awesome factor of watching the paint peel off the walls in front of you, and watching the floor beneath you give way. The moments that are meant to be really creepy genuinely are, and though, at times, they seem to try too hard to be disturbing, it doesn't sacrifice much to make you go "Wow, that was fucked up..."
One thing that I did have a problem with, however, was the last few sections of the game...dark, creepy hallways, hard to see, quiet...but no creatures? I seriously saw like, one schism (split-headed creature) in the last area of the game. The torture scenes were a little rediculous, and I felt like I was watching Hostel for like, 20 minutes. That's not why I buy Silent Hill games. That's why I buy Hostel.
Creatures: 7/10
The creatures in this game are freaky. The skinless dogs make a triumphant return, faster and smarter than in Silent Hill 1. Put two of those dogs and a Schism on the street next to you, and there's nowhere to run...you just have to pray that you're quick with the pipe and that you have lots of shotgun ammo. I don't know what exactly it's called, but there's a huge, thick armed creature similar to the ones in SH3 that is damn impossible to kill, and is just absolutely wicked looking. It's disturbing to watch one of those things total the cop car in the sequence outside the sherrif's station.
Pyramid Head makes a return to the series...but was it worth it? He fulfills his role as the god of punishment in Silent Hill, but you never actually face him...despite the fact that the main character feels the need to be punished for what he did (if you get the bad ending, I don't know about the good one yet). He does have one incredibly violent moment, which I won't ruin for anyone, and when I saw it, I honestly thought he was the next boss fight, but I was dissapointed (though slightly relieved at the same time) when he turned around and left, vanishing down the hallway. Pyramid Head, however, was created to instill fear in the player...how is he gonna freak you out if you don't think he's out to get you??? He ignores you half the times that he sees you, and the one time he doesn't, he doesn't attack! Seriously, I was hoping for a little more than that. Shame on you, Konami.
The smog creatures, a bastardized version of the armless things from SH2, seem slightly out of place with the others, who are mostly faded-fleshy colored or dark brown (with the exception of the dogs). The smog creatures are black with glowing orange lungs and pulsing bubbles coming out of their throat. What the hell are they supposed to symbolize? I don't know, because you never see the main character smoking....They just feel out of place there.
Plot/Story: 5/10
I was seriously hoping for a lot more here. When I finally figured out that the Cult was being pulled back into the storyline, and when they made references to SH1, I was so excited...but the movie seems to have taken it's toll on the series, and Roger Avery's horrible script has ruined the potential of what should have been a total mindfuck of a game. Up until the last hour or so, I really felt like this game had potential...but it really kind of let me down in the end. Good twists, but it was something I expected in a movie, or in a different sort of game. This may change if there is a different ending, but I'm not too sure of that. I was pretty let down.
Sounds/Music: 10/10
Akira Yamaoka is back to do the soundtrack to the 6th installment in the series (#5 was actually a prequel called "Origins" and isn't listed in numerical order of the series), and it shows. His music sets the perfect tone for this game. His sounds make my flesh crawl....it's a pity the story didn't keep up with this magnificent performance.
Purity of Story/Adherence to Silent Hill Mythos: 7/10
This is a big deal for hardcore fans of Silent Hill. While a reference to Cybil Bennet was made, and the Order (the cult) was referenced in earlier games as well (specifically 1,3, Origins, and partially in 4), it didn't feel like the same cult. It felt more like the twisted, bastardized version Avery peddled in his Hollywood script. I almost wish the movie hadn't been made, and that's a pity, because standing on it's own, it's rather good (if you overlook imperfections in the dialogue). There was a lot of good stuff here, and the relationship between Sheperd's Glen (the city where most of the game takes place) and Silent Hill still remains shrouded in mystery, though it's clear that there was some sort of daughter section of the Mother cult...which could leave an opening for a very profitable (and hopefully much better) sequel.
Pyramid Head was true-to-form in performing his duties as executioner and punisher, but his presence didn't give the same spine-tingling chill that it did in 2. When you saw PH in 2, your whole body should have gone rigid and your pupils dialate in fear...in this one, you merely look at him and go "Wow, that was badass!" It was kind of a let down, but it was good that they didn't fuck it up as far as the mythos goes.
The nurses were a travesty, though...there was a scene in a doctor's office in Sheperd's Glen...but you never go to Alchemelia Hospital. There's a scene in the beginning, but that's it...and the hospital stage was too short to really count in my book. In addition, there was no reference of Alex's desires, sexually, but the nurses were still the sexy nurses from the movie, and that's a big no-no as far as the series is concerned. Those nurses were a direct manifestation of James' sexual urges and twisted past...and should have been unique to his darkness.
Overall Review: 7.5/10
A good game, really...but the end didn't give me that final stamping realization like the others in the series did. And the presence of the movie fills this game so much that it's almost puking Gans and Avery (director and writer of the movie, respectively). I wasn't so much dissapointed in how it played or how it looked, but as to how it ended. I dunno, I've always completed the others on a Good ending, so maybe it deserves another play-through....I give it a replay value of 8, maybe 8.5 out of 10. If you're a fan of Silent Hill and love the series, check this out, but don't waste your money until you've played it through a bit. If you like survival horror but aren't devoted to the fandom like the rest of us geeks, check this game out, you may just have found a gateway to a darker world...the world of Silent Hill.