Oh, hello.

May 20, 2008 10:15

So good to hear all you Nattercon crew had loads of fun and a great time. :)

Welcome to greengerbil. I have no idea who you are, or if we have met or spoke at any time but probodie says you were a great roomie, plus you've added me. So that's good enough for me. :D

Yep, been drawing again. Hope this one is to all of your liking, it's Pros, so it should be.

Tis Bodie. :)
Click on here if you'd like a look.
(this may not be work safe)

Still way behind on emails and comments so gonna try and make some time to catch up a bit this week. Hope you are all well.

((hugs you all))

Feeling a bit old this week. My eldest daughter leaves school on Friday. Two of my three children to leave school. :o My youngest starts high school in Sept.
Where did the years go??

my art.

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