Proud as a Peacock!

Mar 29, 2006 21:22

Dispite all of my normal apprehension, I entered two icons into bstg_icontest a few weeks ago. And, to my complete surprise and delight, I actually won twice (I tied for 3rd place with none other than yours truly)!
So here I am to show off the awesome banners that bobafxxx made.

In other news, Loran's mother broke her leg a week ago, so he's been very busy taking care of her, complete with a bad case of headless chicken syndrome. I came up last weekend (and probably will this one) to help with the extra work and to relieve the stress he's been put under.
Worked all spring break at Loran's company, EagleForce (yeah, I know it's old news, but I haven't done a serious post in eons). Getting moneys is good. They want me to continue working from Richmond as well (as if I don't have enough on my plate with this terrible semester), and I'm quite honored to do so. And getting moneys is good, as I've said. ^-^
LJ is the best procrastination tool ever. *hugs it in its evilness*

winning, eagleforce

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