Hello x x x
Im sick of job hunting and everything in the world that makes it so we *have* to work!!
Im still waiting for the shop that said i could work there, i guess its too slow right now/ not enough hours so hopefully something will happen soon.
I applied for a bartending postition at a retired / military / over 50 kind of place lol... actually, i'd quite like it its kinda white trash which is always fun..
J is away on his holiday in n.h seeing his la famligia. It sucks because i miss him when he's gone, my security blanket is missing :/ He wont be back until friday.. I guess i'll live ;)
I've been spending most my time on myspace.com that's why im hardly here. But it seems like everyone else is hardly here too....
Im going to finish my mint tea, drink some more red wine and be lost in net world until 10pm when i get to talk to the "boy" as i call him.
This is the worst time of year! Its so dark..