(no subject)

Mar 14, 2006 22:29


What song are you listening to?: dance,dance by fall out boy

Why do you like that song?: b/c ever since it was on the Aero cd it's been stuck in my head

What did your last incoming text message say?: "sorry i didn't call you but it was a crazy night in raleigh, we can hook up tom def."
yeh...i chose not to answer that one

Look at your received call list. Who is number 5? my mom

Did you answer?: yes, she had to fill me in on drama with my grandfather and his wife and his will

Who did you last talk to on aim?: christine

Do you ever wish you were a different race, and if so, what?: i have never thought a/b it

Do hobos frighten you?: sometimes, when it's night time and i am walking alone

What's the most you have ever spent in the crane toy machines?: i am guessing 50 cents

What color are your shoelaces?: i dont wear shoes w/ laces. i am a strictly heels or flip flops kinda lady

If you could live anywhere, where would it be?: tokyo, italy, or chicago

How much do you hate G.W. Bush on a scale of 1-10?: about a 6 to a 7

When is the last time you were in a hospital?: freshman year

Why were you there?: my suitemate had a tampon jammed pretty far up there

What is the most painful piercing you have had?: nose, but only b/c it got infected like 3 times

Are you a member of the mile high club?: i wish

Would you ever pick up a hitchhiker?: nah

Would you ever hitchhike?: sure, i have big enough boobs to stop someone

Have you ever cried after one of your favorite sports teams lost a game?: ha, sports

Would you marry a 90-year-old billionaire?: if i loved him i would

Would you cut off one of your fingers for the perfect body?: there is no perfect body

What about a toe?: i have been told i have cute toes.

Have you ever kept a fortune from a Chinese fortune cookie? nope

Have you ever told a lover that they were good in bed, when they were not?: no

Would you jump into a lake to save a stranger?: of course

Do you think your life story would make a great movie? ha, surprisingly yes

What T.V. show world would you fit right into?: sex and the city

What was the sweetest thing a guy/girl did for you? so many things from chris...bringing me a dozen purple roses to my work (my fav flower), bringing me a single red rose to my work, buying me 3 pink carnations and carrying them around all day on campus until he saw me, taking care of me a whole weekend when i was sick (bringing me food and medicine, taking my temperature, and still sleeping next to me in bed, despite my germs), him rescuing me from my crazy house at ridiculous hours, buying me little presents just b/c he thought of me, him helping me through some dark moments this semester...

What is your social status?(i.e:prep, clown, goth..)i never had a set category, i was just friends with who i wanted

What is your favorite quote?: "without pain, without sacrifice, we have would have nothing."

Are you high maintenance?: i am high maintenance but i think i am low maintenance, so i am the worst kind (that's from when harry met sally, but is so true a/b me)

Do you frequently visit Wal-mart/ any other 24 hr. store at all hours of the night?: sometimes. but i dont buy things from walmart.

What's the last pill you've taken?: HA a lot, let's see...it was clonazepam

Would you rather be in a room with Michael Jackson or a rattlesnake?: let's just say neither

Have you ever gone to a bookstore a 12am to buy the next Harry Potter book?: no

Have you ever been so bored that you counted cracks in the walls?: nope

If your eyes could be any color, what color would they be?: green

Do you read while you eat?: not usually

What's the weirdest combination of food you've ever eaten?: i dont really know

Were you pregnant or pmsing when eating it?: ummm no

How long does it usually take you to drink a glass of beverage?: depends on the beverage and how thirsty i am and if it's alcohol, how drunk i want to be

What did you want to be when you were in kindergarten?: an art teacher.

What do you want to be now?: buyer for a high end clothing designer (like Gucci or the French Connection)

What's worse, a papercut or a big gash in your finger?: gash

What is your favorite movie, and why?: oh that's hard....secretary and anything by kubrick, tarantino or hitchcock

Grab the book closest to you. Look at page 18. What is the fifth sentence?: (it's a japanese dictionary so this is the fifth word) attract- hiku

Have you ever read a life changing book? not really, but i love to read

Ever watched a life changing movie? What was it? What was so special?: i am horrible at these types of questions

If you could change your name, what would it be?: i used to want to be chloe (hence my name on my lj) but i decided mine name is ok and i will name my daughter chloe

When you were afraid of the dark, what was the creature that haunted you?: a witch (my mom told me there was one in the attic)

What is your favorite cartoon from the 1980's?: i have no idea
1990's?: the simpsons.
2000's?: family guy.

What song comforts you when you are sad?: i dont listen to music when i am sad, i usually just cry in bed

What song enhances your happiness?: any sort of music that i can move my butt to

What song can make you cry?: anything by andre bocelli

What song do you listen to when angry?: fionna apple's tidal album
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