Download yourself a Box!

May 04, 2012 13:54

So I decided to make a downloads page for my legacy sims~ Enjoy!
Kindle Box:

She's a romance sim, obviously. Or you can make her Grilled Cheese, she likes both xD She has a preference for the ladies but doesn't mind the occasional male and she makes purty babies @.@

You can download her here.


Sugar Box:

She's still a child so has no aspiration, but she's a creeper and my simself's daughter, I think that should be enough. xD She's also a Gemini and I think all the CC comes with her w/ meshes if not tell me and I'll work on it.

You can download her here.


Naked & Biro Box:
The two youngest Boxes, Naked and Biro are twins and the children of Jadey & Kindle. Kindle you can download above. Jadey isn't mine, unfortunately, so I can't put her up for download



You can download Naked here & Biro here.

downloads, sims 2, the box legacy, the, legacy, box

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