Apr 22, 2009 22:01
Dude, what the f? I got turned on today by picking up a banana.
In other news, I was at a coffee shop earlier and I saw this former professor of mine out for a "thingy" (my word for study session subtext DATE) with a girl who was very obviously a student. It was gross. It shouldn't be so bad because he's youngish, but she looked all of 17 and he's clearly just a sad doucher with no self-control when someone shows him attention. You should have SEEN the looks she was giving him. It was like something out of........Alien. Like she wanted to swallow him up with one of her secret mini-mouths.
In other other news, I am going to MBV very alone-ly. Well, I'm going with Carolina Jen (the Dando cuddler, see a few posts back) and meeting up with Katherine (radio director at local college station) and Brian (my coworker). But no beautiful boy. I screwed that up. I, uh, tried to dig deeper into the "altar stones" thing, and it turns out it meant nothing-- no pills, and most likely not a real flirtation. He offered me mushrooms, but I said no. It all seemed very curt. It might have been my imagination but it seemed like he was puzzled by my advances (granted, this was over the interwebs). Regardless I felt very embarassed and did not write him back. Now I have to remember that if I see him there, I MUST be brave and say hello or I will look even sillier. But I am still going to dress like a magic nymph.
My latest strategy is to say fuck-it-and-fuck-you. If I show up someplace with my whole head crimped and my cape on, you better enjoy it.