expkeriencing s=ome technica/l difficul/ties

Aug 21, 2005 13:19

I don't know how many people actually read this journal (I know that karabair has friended me and lemony69 has left fic feedback, so hi!) but I won't be posting another chapter of Unexpected until at least the end of the coming week because of computer problems. The computer I usually use for internet access had it's modem stop working for some reason. The machine I'm at right now has a keyboard problem. The mangled subject line above is an example of the problem. I type "o", it comes out "=o", I type "l", it comes out "/l", so forth and so on.

Anyway, part 3 of Unexpected was my previous post, so check it out on the front page or my calendar because I'm not gonna even bother with linking it right now because typing this post is work enough without html.

Here's the unedited version of the above post:

I d=on't pkn=ow h=ow many pker=opkl/e actua/l/ly read this jo=urna/l (I pkn=ow that pkarabair has friended me and /lem=ony69 has /left fic feedbacpk[, s=o hi!) but I wo=n't be pk=osting an=other chapkter =of Unexpkected until/ at /least the end =of the c=oming weepk because =of c=ompkuter pr=ob/lems;. The c=ompkuter I usual//ly use f=or internet access had it's m=odem st=opk w=orpking f=or s=ome reas=on;. The machine I'm at right n=ow has a pkeyb=oard pkr=ob/lem;. The mang/led subject /line ab=ove is an exampk/le =of the pkr=ob/lem;. I typke "=o"[, it c=omes =out "=o"[, I typke "/l"[, it c=omes =out "/l"[, s=o f=orth and s=o =on;.

Anyway[, kpart 3 =of Unexpkected was my pkrev=i=ous pk=ost[, s=o checpk it =out =on the fr=ont pkage =or my ca/lendar because I'm n=ot g=onna even b=other with /linpking it right no=w because typking this kp=ost is w=orpk en=ough with=out htm/l;.
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