Title: Pieces of Ourselves
Pairing: JJ/Hotch
Summary: "I walked into this with both eyes open. People are dying, Hotch. Young women are being killed and you know I can't turn away from that.' Working for the Justice Department was a lie she told to keep the team from worrying. JJ's been working undercover for Andi Swan; Renee's not the only FBI agent that needs to be saved. AU 6.24, Supply and Demand.
Spoilers: Sort of for Supply and Demand
Warning: Mentions of rape of a main character
Disclaimer: JJ would have ben in all of season 6 if the show was mine.
Author's Note: Going into the season six finale I didn't know anything except that JJ was going to be in the episode: I was hyper aware every time I saw blond hair. One of those times was in a scene with Renee, just the back of the head of a woman standing at a chain link fence, a woman who had been kidnapped. Obviously this wasn't JJ, but what if it was? What if working for the Justice Department was a ruse so the team didn't worry when the truth was that JJ was undercover trying to break a human trafficking ring? This idea has been simmering in my brain for awhile, and now it's a fully formed story that wants to be told. Canon until the middle of Supply and Demand. The title comes from Hotch's monologue in ...And Back when he asks "And what about my team? How many more times will they be able to look into the abyss, how many times before they won't ever recover the pieces of themselves that this job takes?"
Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 2