Title: L'agonie
Author: morejoyful
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Characters/pairing: Spencer Reid, team
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Character death
Disclaimer: Not mine!
Summary: They say your life flashes before your eyes right before you die. Spencer Reid doesn't know whether or not that's true. What he does know is that on May 21, 1946, what flashes before his eyes is not his life but rather his death. Written for CM Prompt Meme R3: "AU: Reid as a scientist working on something that goes wrong." Based on the death of
Louis Slotin.
C’est dans la maladie que nous nous rendons compte que nous ne vivons pas seuls mais enchaînés à un être d’un règne différent, dont des abîmes nous séparent, qui ne nous connaît pas : notre corps. )