My CM Big Bang is finally up! Yay!
Title: The Distant and Dead
Fandom: Criminal Minds/Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior/Sherlock Holmes
Genre: Mystery/Steampunk/Drama with a bit of Romance
Pairings: Gina LaSalle/Seaver, Rossi/Reid, Hotch/Haley, Morgan/Garcia, Prophet/Mick Rawson, Holmes/Watson
Summary: The year is 1892. Sherlock Holmes has been dead for over a year. When it appears that Jack the Ripper has returned, Scotland Yard calls in a team of Americans to take the case. The plot thickens when an American proves to be involved -- an American the team has faced before.
Rating: soft R, I think
Warnings: Crossover, AU, slash, femslash, drug use, references to past torture/abuse, oodles of UST, one "on-screen" stabbing, frank discussion of horrible crimes.