// taffy-stuck and tongue-tied, stutter-shook and uptight

Jan 14, 2007 17:39

Monkey Island 4. HWOAAAAARGH, INSULT SWORD-FIGHTING. I think it's far preferable to Monkey Combat. That's just ridiculously difficult to memorize. I mean, dude! Do I look like I speak monkey? "OOK ACK EEK" your ass.

It's kiiiiilling me that someone uploaded Kingdom Hearts doujinshi (that is apparently in Chinese, aka. OMG THERE IS A CHANCE THAT I WILL ACTUALLY BE ABLE TO READ MAYBE 40-80% OF IT OMG OMG OMG LAWLZ) but Sendspace is refusing to send it to me. What the crap? Why're you so mean to me?

Y'know when you watch a FMV on YouTube or whatever, and it's really emotional/character-centric, and the song is really nice, and it ends up eating your brains? Yeah. I saw a Kadaj FMV to Counting Crows' "Colorblind" and now every time that sad little piano bit starts up at the beginning I'm like, "OH, KADAAAAAAJ!" and wibbling and stuff. He's so sweet, even though he was totally evil. Yeah, I have that image where he's cradling the box to himself and sorta wails and stuff. Poor woobie. DAMN YOU WANKTARDED GOOD GUYS CAN'T YOU JUST BUGGER OFF AND LEAVE THE SEXY EVIL PEOPLE TO THEIR SEXY EVIL DEEDS. ;__;

Mrahh. I haven't shipped a 'bad guy' ever since I moved into the Kingdom Hearts fandom. Seriously. My record before that was... what... Joker, Harley Quinn, Draco Malfoy, Vegeta (kinda counts), Tao Ren (also maybe-kinda counts-- I hated what they did to him when he joined Yoh's side), Warp Darkmatter? So many lovely villains. But then Riku just haaad to come along and pull the big, "I don't actually hate you Sora 'cause I'm not actually a bad guy, I'm just really misunderstood and lonely and overly self-critical and I don't know how to express it well" spiel and shove me into shipping the good guys. DAMN YOU RIKU SURNAMELESS. DAMN YOUR GORGEOUS HAIR AND EYES AND ANGST.

Yeah, I don't really know what I'm talking about. XD; Ahh, Riku makes me sad. I only just remembered why he was originally my favorite character. Shame on me.

Oh, and Dee, I thought you might like this. I found it on 4chan. Anyone who's read the ending of Death Note might like it too. I ROFLed so hard. ("Roll on floor laughinged"? Er. I... RedOFL? RedOtheFL? Oh God, that looks so awful.)


I don't know who made it, but I love hir so very much. XD

Going on 4chan makes me want to draw more. If I weren't so lazy. And if I had a scanner. :O I must see about getting one when I go to university. Perhaps it'd be cheaper to buy one in Hong Kong and then haul it over.

edit: I do not understand works of any kind where people add a note and apologize for it being bad and say that it would be better if they weren't tired/in a hurry. I get it if it's RP logs 'cause it's more of a 'there's actually someone waiting for you to update right now' kind of thing. But fanart/fanfiction? Who're you making it for? For other people to applaud? That's... not a good reason to be making artsy things. At all. If you know that your fanwork is crap and can actually promise that it would be better if you were more awake, then... why isn't it better? Can you not get a few hours' rest and then wake up and make the thing the way you want it to be?

Neither do I understand writing where people write, bang in the disclaimer: "has X/Y SLASH, and lots of Z BASHING." Why bash characters? Why? It's not even IC! It doesn't make me feel any sympathy for the protagonists (which is what I'm assuming people are trying to make me feel.) It makes me die on the inside to see Hayner as an abusive boyfriend who smashes Olette's head into a wall because she's his "bitch" of a girlfriend. It kills me to see Hayner as a smoking drug dealer of a teen who pushes Sora (protagonist A) around so that Riku (protagonist B) can rush in and shove Hayner onto the ground and punch his "pathetic" face in. I mean, he is kinda pathetic, but... smoking? Smoking? Did people not notice all the "Struggle! Struggle!" crap all over the six days of "lawl let's annoy the new players with totally obscure shit that makes no sense until halfway through the game"? Did people not notice the fighting and the muscles on that kid? Why would an aspiring athlete want to smoke or take drugs? So he can have a coughing fit/go into seizures when he's in the middle of a match? Yeah, that'll win him a trophy for sure.

And besides. It's way more likely that Olette would smash Hayner's head into a wall. That girl just pwns.

youtube, manga, lol yay, rant

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