MOTHER OF GOD i finally got my group cert to lodge my tax return after waiting for ages and THE TAX FILE NUMBER IS WRONG ASKHGBASKHwbnldnhekhnkawdjnSKDJB SCREAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!
it's my fault, since my boss asked me to text me TFN to her and i hit the wrong button and didn't check before (and after) sending, so now i feel really grumpy at myself and guilty for causing trouble and just FFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK.
... in less derpy news, yesterday was a funny day. i was staying over at
counterstrike's house, left in the morning, hung out with
heyhumanity in the afternoon, met up with mel at night; and just as i was putting my helmet on (LITERALLY the thing was just ON MY HEAD, waiting for me to pull it down over my face) to ride back home from the city, thinking, "wow, this is the most socializing i've done in about five years,"
tomatoshoes showed up and was like "OHAI". so i hung out with her too. coincidence.
i'm pulling a sickie today. should be working, but i was feeling iffy last night and wasn't sure if i'd feel iffy today. i'm actually okay now, but, eh. i really kinda needed the break, apparently.
edit: i bought bastion on steam. holy crap am i bad at this game, i just keep dying over and over. @__@