Nov 28, 2010 21:20
for years now, i've been shuttling back and forth between australia and hong kong, and usually by this time i'd be back in HK. in addition to feeling stuck mentally, romantically (more specifically: the lack of a fuwa fuwa romansu) and career...ically, i also feel physically stuck because i'm still here and not moving at all and just. muh. buh. FUH.
see, when i get the desire for change, it tends to be quite overwhelming. previous times i've felt the urge, i've chopped off my hair, thrown out all my clothes, gotten pierced... dramatic things. i've been fighting the urge to impulsively get myself tattooed (i still wanna get one done, i just don't want it to be done on impulse); i've been window shopping all over the internet in frustration, feeling the need to get something, but knowing that i wouldn't feel happy with whatever it was i wound up getting.
this morning, though, i sorta realized-- my room is really bare. and there's so much clutter. my books are everywhere. it's an organized mess -- i know where everything is -- but it's still a mess. i am gonna tidy it up. i'm getting posters, and i'm gonna get a gorgeous little cupboard-thing for all of my books, and on top of it i'm gonna dump all my airy-fairy incense/tarot shit. i'll get glow-in-the-dark stickers for the ceiling; i'll be brave, and start drawing in pastels again like i used to so i can hang it on the wall.
aaaa, i'm so excited! new room, new room, new room. i really need a change.