that's it; i'm switching ISPs. i've been marathoning the first season of batman beyond and it is epic beyond words. i forgot how awesome this show was. it's so awesome it's easy to ignore the crappy american attempts at british accents. just, the banter. so much banter. ♥ i love how it's both adult and a kids' show, too. back when i was 11, i took everything pretty innocently. watching it again, i'm surprised (and laughing) over light sexual references peppered here and there. it's great. i need more of it. that, and brave and the bold, because it's so cheesy but i love it. and i think young justice is coming out in november, so... looking forward to that too.
edit: THIS, THIS, THIS. i watched the episode this came from earlier today. bruce was being locked in an asylum 'cause he was hearing voices (telling him to commit suicide.)
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-- BUT THAT'S MY NAME NOW. oh terry. you and your little smirk and batman voice. ♥ kyaaa i need so much more of this series. there are so many references to the older series in the first season. somehow i doubt that the following seasons have as many throwbacks/cameos, but i still remember them being really intense.