I used to have an icon of Crisis Core!Zack looking stunned. There was a big, white 'xxx' in the userpic, too. I loathed the 'xxx' but the icon of Zack looking stunned...
I have been searching for it. For five. Hours.
This is going to drive me insane, I just know it.
Today. Uh. What happened today. I've been slowly downloading more Booster Gold, because it is excellent. RP stuff's been happening. I totally realized just ten minutes that I haven't played a character that was snuggly in years. I still haven't broken the non-snuggly period. None of my characters ever touch other characters save to pat them reassuringly on the shoulder, maybe. It's kinda sad. Um, I've been mentally having a great time with RP and all but all I've done physically today is run up the hill and return with two huge, water-dispenser-sized bottles of water from the supermarket, so I guess I'm physically bored, which would explain why I keep randomly flailing my limbs and making weird, horrible noises. I've been singing badly (on purpose), and hollering "MRAAAAAWWWWR" and "BWAHHHHHHH" and "UWAHHHHHH" and "KYOHHHHHHH" all day. Not even kidding. I'm like one of those irritating babies that make noise for the sake of making noise. I'm actually annoying my own eardrums, too.
zax-dude... slap me, dude, Cloud's angst is actually making me lol. Not in a "OMG BAD RP" way, I assure you; more in a "I-am-such-a-sadist-that-Cloud's-pain-makes-me-laugh" way. I went out to get aforementioned bottles of water after Cloud was like ":( I don't care if the planet asplodes, I just wanna save you, I don't want you to die" and Zack was like "DUDE WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU DON'T BE SO SELFISH" and Cloud was like ":'((((((((((((((" and I had such a huge smile on my face. What is wrong with me, why is my EQ so low.
AHHHHHHHHHH I NEED MORE GODDAMN TEA AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH my eyes are so tired. I wish my brother would either give me a call or come the fuck home already so I know whether or not I need to make dinner for him, rassafrassaGRUMBLE.
edit: I thought I did pretty badly this year and was expecting a high distinction for Japanese only, but...
Well, I did a lot better than I thought I would. So YAY, pat on the back, job well done, and all that.