blow the monster down.

Jun 11, 2008 17:05

That was the worst insomnia-ridden night so far. I was lying in bed at 4am and got to sleep at nine. I hate pulling unintentional all-nighters.

Plan for what's left of today: memorize a bit of Chinese, I guess? And then watch Iron Man and that new Narnia movie with Charmini, since she said she was sick of exams and wants to watch stuff. And then... I don't know. I'm pretty bored.

I got tagged for an RP meme by cnyll, so.

Character Superlatives:

Part 1: Choose one of your own characters for each superlative, based on who fits it best.
01) Most likely to live in your hometown ~ Hong Kong, aka. CITY OF BLINDING LIGHTS and millions of people and liveliness and ENERGY and nngh, I fucking love cities. Lemme think. Uh, Paprika/Dr. Chiba (Paprika), I guess, since they're from a Japanese city (I don't think it was specified which; it was Tokyo, maybe).
02) Best dressed ~ Edgeworth (Phoenix Wright). He'd rather die than go anywhere without looking impeccable. (Whether you count his frills as 'well dressed' or not is entirely up to you.) I would've said Klavier, but honestly, I can see the man lounging around in a black wifebeater and jeans. Suits are classier.
03) Nicest eyes ~ Hmm. I honestly can't answer this one. Hayner (Kingdom Hearts) has big brown cow-eyes, though? They're not particularly nice, but... yanno. They're there.
04) Safest and least safe drivers ~ I'd actually say that Klavier (Phoenix Wright) would be a safe driver, since his best friend is a cop and he's a prosecutor. It'd be humiliating for him to be caught and prosecuted for speeding/hooning. Plus, it'd make for terrible publicity for the Gavinners, since they're meant to be a 'cop band'. On the other hand he'd also be the least safe driver, at least before he became a prosecutor and started taking his job seriously. He was probably a pretty reckless teenager; it's, yanno, the 'cool' thing to do. I also kinda think that Zack (FFVII) would be a reckless driver, but that's just a feeling; I've never actually seen him drive.
05) Most liked by parents ~ ... I don't... play... nice people... oh, Zack (FFVII), I guess.
06) Biggest prankster ~ Oh God, who do I play who doesn't prank people. Hayner'd be the biggest prankster, I guess. Or Zack. NO WAIT, Paprika. Paprika's brilliant.
07) Coolest name ~ Paprika's pretty cool. I love the way the syllables roll off my tongue.
08) Biggest dreamer ~ lawl, Paprika, dreams. Ryoga Hibiki (Ranma 1/2), dreaming his huge romantic dreams of settling down with Akane. I wish I'd gotten more of an opportunity to play him, I love the poor kid so much.
09) Best dancer ~ ... Queen Minnie Mouse (Kingdom Hearts). XD
10) Most likely to become a hermit ~ Either Edgeworth or Jade Curtiss (Tales of the Abyss). I mean, if Phoenix and Peony (respectively) didn't exist, because I'm sure they'd both work damn hard to pull my characters out of solitude.
11) Most likely to glue leaves back on the trees in the autumn ~ Jean Armstrong (Phoenix Wright), because gluing la leaves back on z'e trees keeps z'em pretty and effeminate for longer, non?
12) Class clown ~ I don't have anyone who'd deliberately make an ass of themselves like that for lulz. :\ All of my guys are high achievers. Well, Hayner isn't, but he wouldn't want to screw up a teacher like that.
13) Slowest eater ~ I... don't... know.
14) Most likely to be caught with white-out and sharpies in the school bathroom ~ I don't-- NO WAIT, I DO. Zackobo, from uh. 13thorgy canon. Zackobo would definitely write on walls.
15) Most difficult to please (not sexually) ~ Luke fon Fabre (Tales of the Abyss.) Definitely. Long-hair Luke, not short-hair Luke; post-Akzeriuth Luke is really boring.

Part 2: Choose a character from people on your f-list for each superlative, based on who fits it best. Be sure to include usernames so they aren't mixed! If two people play the same character, go by whichever characterization fits better.
01) Biggest flirt ~ DARYAN DARYAN DARYAN OH MY JESUS. (Played by jessmacphisto. ♥)
02) Best dressed ~ I want to say Daryan because NNGH NECK CLAVICLES LEGS but he wears fucking PIXIE BOOTS. It's like he beat up Peter Pan and stole the poor kid's shoes. I guess pre-GS4!Phoenix Wright (cnyll) would be the best dressed. I mean. He wears a suit, so.
03) Nicest eyes ~ I'd have to say Cloud (cnyll again) simply because there was that scene in Advent Children where the camera ZOOMED in on his eyes and... yeah. I remember them pretty clearly.
04) Nicest smile ~ Wesley Wyndham-Pryce (mishmashizzle). He gets smile lines and has lovely teeth and nngh. It's a pity he doesn't smile much in the later seasons.
05) Looks best in leather ~ Daryan (jessmacphisto). No question.
06) Most likely to check closets for Narnia ~ Sora (dallsin). And Riku would be right there checking with him. ♥
07) Person you'd most want to be stranded on an island with ~ Sora again, obviously, because he's an island boy and he'd have a lot of fun about it which would help me a lot because I'd be flipping the fuck out.
08) Person you don't want to meet while camping in the woods ~ Papillon (scientific) because OH MY GOD.
09) Most likely to saw Florida off the mainland and send it to Cuba for ten bucks and a large coffee ~ ... Sephiroth (teabry) if he was like... Donald Trump, and not a general?
10) Most likely to fall UP a set of stairs ~ I'm not sure I know anyone who plays a character that idiotic. D: The closest I could get would be Phoenix Wright (cnyll), I guess.
11) Most likely to pee in public ~ I. I don't know.
12) Best mentor ~ Tear (detonating). She's a wonderful counterbalance for my bratty bitchy long-hair!Luke fon Fabre.
13) Drama queen ~ Angel. Bloody Captain Forehead. Played by mishmashizzle.
14) Friendliest ~ Gai Cecil (amityville). Definitely. She's such a sweetheart. ♥
15) Prettiest voice (speaking) ~ The lovely Tear Grants (detonating) again, of course!

Part 3: Tag five of your friends to do the same. Bite me.

meme, rp

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