I'm probably not going to the MRS ball 'cause I refuse point-blank to wear a dress and I don't know how hard it'll be to find a tux.
But I am probably going to Hookers and Deviants. Haha, I was wondering what the hell I could possibly wear for it 'cause I don't have hooker clothes (... really, I don't), but then Matt said that he wanted to go as a hobo.
... After my initial minute or so of dot-dot-dot'ing, I decided to copy him. He's just gonna buy some crap clothes from somewhere. I'm... not gonna cosplay the gaming world's favorite hobo, obviously, since I don't have the time for that, though I'm very very tempted. But I'm gonna make clothes out of newspapers and wear that. :D Shoes included. HAHAHA. I can combine the two and go in like, a newspaper bra and thong and just traumatize everyone, really.
I got bored.
Well, it's true. It's totally Gavincest's fault that I can't color for shit. *shrug* What can I say.
(It almost looks like it should be the cover for an FST, doesn't it? Ahaha. Lemme just, yanno. Find some random porn songs to match the pornface.)
Still bored.
ilu Bo. ♥