There actually is no reason why I should be feeling blah. I mean, I met up with Alice. That was a lot more fun than I thought it would be. I got the stuff I wanted from yesterday. I actually found a Cloud Strife plushie (shock of shocks, but I've honestly never seen one before). I got an Elricest doujinshi, and I found a Yubinbasya Cloud/Zack. We talked for yoinks and argued stuff, and it was good, really good. I love being able to sit down and have long, meaningful conversations. Today was a good day, but... I dunno. I love Hong Kong, I really do, I think the transport is better and the food is better and I adore the way that things are still up and bright and alive at 9pm, but this place is so good at making you feel... inadequate. Useless. Worthless. Like I'm not smart enough, not bi/trilingual enough, not effeminate enough or pretty enough or thin enough or interesting enough or good enough to exist on this world and I might as well just cease my existence because there's no way I'll ever be accepted here or anywhere else because I am shit. I'm sure people will tell me that it's all in my head and maybe it is, but sometimes it feels like I'm only fighting against that and telling myself that all my beliefs are unfounded just to avoid the truth.
tl;dr, super emo, apologies. Maybe I'll feel better after a shower. Dee's leaving to go back to Sydney tomorrow. Sadness. :((( But oh well. More hijinks shall be had another day, I guess.