Nov 13, 2007 22:47
I tried making pasta for lunch today. I made a biiiiit too much, but it was okay 'cause Cy invited herself over. (Note: when I say 'invited herself over', I mean that she literally turned up at my door, and then said in a little girly voice: "Hi, can I come in to play?" YOU = CUTEST MIDGETFACE EVER, JESS. ♥) I stuffed Cy full of pasta, and then we messed around for a bit before I suggested playing Tales of the Abyss with her.
Oh my gosh, everyone in that game is awesome. Everyone. I really started enjoying it after I figured out how to twiddle the battle system so Tear actually was helping me, and not just standing around like a complete twit. Guy is such a cutie, the poor gynophobe. And Luke, and Jade, and, and... gahhh. It's great. Cy and I kept bellowing at each other while playing, too, it was awesome. We're both backseat gamers-- we prefer getting our brothers to play the game so we can watch and shout 'helpful' tips. And while Cy's a fan of ploughing on for story, I'm a fan of hanging back, training up, and finding all the secret stuff that there is to find before continuing on with the game. (The 101 Dalmations in both Kingdom Hearts PS2 games? All the extra potions/whatever in chests? I hunted them all down. Eeeevery single one.) My throat is hoarse from screaming, "JESS JESS JESS! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, ROB PEOPLE'S HOUSES; THAT'S WHAT THEY'RE THERE FOR!" Fun times. (Tangent: Bo, do you remember trying to kill Maleficent? XD "YOU... YOU'RE NOT RIKU! BLAH BLAH BLAH! GIVE HIM BACK HIS HEART!" God, I'm never gonna be able to forget that now. Ahaha, oh God, and watching you shriek about needing to jump on her fat dragon ass. Freakin' priceless, man; I wish I'd caught that on video.)
I think Cy's meant to be coming over tomorrow for corned beef sandwiches and more ToA, but I'm not sure. Either way, I am dead pleased that I have found a game to play! I can't find Shadow Hearts: Covenant; Abel (my games shop dudepal-- and yeah, how awesome is his name, seriously?) says that he can only import the Japanese version. Which bites so hard, but maybe I'll be able to find it when my mom goes to Shenzhen later this month. Hopefully. *squinches eyes shut and crosses fingers*
And have I ever mentioned how much I love Anberlin? Just feels like maybe I should mention that again. x]
computer/video games,
kingdom hearts,
tales of the abyss,